Chapter 1

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It had been eleven days Ophelia Ann Eunice, more commonly known by her friends as Elia, had gone missing from her tent after a sold out show. Waking up, the blonde haired girl didn't know how much time had passed, or where she was for that matter. All she knew was that she was somewhere in a forest that she had never seen.

Ophelia groaned sitting up and rubbing her head to try and dismiss the growing headache before looking around. That was when she realized that she was not alone.


Isabella couldn't believe Scott had called a pack meeting so early in the morning right before school started. She was human after all. Speaking of being human, the girl looked over at one of the other humans in the pack, Stiles Stilinski.

She had become quick friends with the spastic boy seeing as how his dad is Sheriff of Beacon Hills while her brother was a deputy. Isabella or Izzy, had run into him while visiting her brother at the station and that was the start of their friendship.

"Scott, why are we out here so early? Shouldn't you be sleeping, so you can be awake during Lacrosse practice or something?" she asked the True Alpha.

Yes, she knew about the supernatural. But, it was only because Stiles couldn't keep his mouth shut around her and eventually told her everything. From when Scott was first turned to Scott having to bite Liam to save his life.

Scott only chuckled at the girl's whining, "Because Bella, we think the dread doctors might have been experimenting on some kids from school so the best place to start looking first would be the preserve and before school starts" he tells her.

Isabella only groaned in response but, kept quiet. When it was time to split up, to cover more ground, Izzy went with Malia, Lydia and Corey while Scott took Stiles, Liam and Mason with him.

"Find anything, alert the other half" Scott spoke.

Everyone nodded their heads before splitting up. Soon it wasn't long till the group of girls and one boy found something. Or more like someone.

"You guys stay here, I'll find the others and tell them what we've found" Malia said before taking off running.

She soon returned with the Alpha and the others, Stiles lagging behind since he wasn't supernatural. Scott carefully approached the girl on the floor.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently when he noticed that she was awake.


Ophelia jumped when she heard voices, and when the person came towards her she screamed.

"No! Stop! Stay away, don't hurt me again!" Tears started streaming down the girl's face as she tried to move away from the group.


Scott looked back at his pack. Lydia walking up to the girl, carefully.

"Whoa whoa, we aren't going to hurt you" she said calmly.

Lydia carefully knelt down next to the girl, looking her over.

"What do you think Lydia?" Isabella asked the Banshee.

"I think she's one of the experiments of the Dread Doctors." Lydia said.

"Corey, go talk to her" Scott tells the Chimera.

Corey nodded his head and walked up to the girl on the forest floor.

"Hi, I'm Corey. We aren't going to hurt you. But, we believe you're something like me. A chimera of sorts. These things called Dread Doctors kidnapped you and changed something in you. We aren't them" he tells her.

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