Chapter 11

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"It's fine. You didn't know if you could trust us or not. Now that you know you can, thank you for telling us" Scott said.


"Jimmy, wait!" Isabella said.

She pushed past people and walked out of the lake house. She ran and caught up to him.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Bella spun Jimmy around and placed her lips on his... kissing him.


Ophelia gave the true alpha a small smile before turning and walking out of the kitchen. She pulled out her phone clicking on a few buttons.


Jimmy's eyes widened in surprise. "I thought you said you couldn't chose."


Allison turned to Scott, "Well I'm going to see if I can find Bella. I'll see you later" she tells him before also walking out of the kitchen.

She looks around the living room, trying to catch a glimpse of her friend.


"I can't. But, I'm not letting you walk away. I have a solution but only if your up to it. I don't want you to do anything you don't like" Isabella tells him.


Jimmy pauses. "What's this solution," he asks wearily.


"Its called a polymerase relationship. I can date you and Theo, you and him only have to be friends" Bella explained.

She hoped he would agree, she really liked the boy from the past but with Theo....she had fallen for his bad boy charm. This was the only thing she could think of where she didn't have to hurt either boy and get to date both of them.


Jimmy frowned in consideration. He really didn't like Theo, he really didn't think he could even be friends with the annoying wolf.

"I don't know," the boy stated softly and with yet another frown.


Isabella took his hands into her own, "I know he's a jerk but, when you get past all that...there's just a broken and lonely boy underneath" she tells him.

She didn't want to let him go, even though she knew she would have to one day but for now, she didn't want to let him go.

"Just try please Jimmy? For me?" she asks, batting her eyelashes a little to help persuade him.


Jimmy made a face. "I don't think I can, Izzy." And with that, the boy walked away, leaving the party and everyone there. Ophelia could find her own way back to the house, and he knew that the rest could too.


Isabella stood outside where Jimmy left her, tears starting to fall down her face when she heard footsteps behind her.

"There you are! I was afraid you left before I could talk to you" the familiar voice of Allison said.

Allison stood there, noticing the difference in Bella's posture.

"Izzy? Are you okay?" She asks in concern.

Isabella composed herself and wiped her eyes before turning to the huntress.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" She asks.

"My dad wanted me to invite you over tomorrow and I wanted to see how your dealing with being a Hellhound" Allison tells her.

"Well like my brother, I don't really remember what goes on when I'm in Hellhound mode but I'm dealing with it. And sure, I'll come over" Bella said.

The two girls walked back into the lake house, catching up. Isabella spared one last glance over her shoulder before walking through the doorway.


Ophelia sat down on one of the couches, leaning against the arm as she looked blankly at the phone screen. Suddenly, she got an idea and searched Jupiter Florida, 1950 and the screen was flooded with images. The blonde hardly noticed when Izzy sat down beside her because of the tears streaming down her face.


"Lila, you okay?" Isabella asked the girl when she took a seat.

Her chemosignals were giving off sadness so Izzy decided to see what was bothering the girl, masking her own sadness to check on the girl.


Ophelia nodded her head slightly as she wiped her eyes. The light haired girl showed her phone screen to Isabella. The glowing screen showed images of her old home, and more specifically an article about the freak show... and how everyone there was either missing or had been killed in a shooting.


Isabella looked at the screen before looking up at Ophelia.

"I'm so sorry" she tells her sincerely.

"I can't believe that happened to your family" she says.


Elia wipes away the rest of the tears. "When we go back, we can just go back to when they were alive and we'll move. You can set up a freak show anywhere," she says, more to herself than anyone else. "It will be okay."


"Yeah, it'll be okay." Isabella tells her.

She looks around before looking at the front door.

"Oh uh...Jimmy left" she let's Lila know.


Ophelia sported a look of confusion. "Really? Maggie was convinced he would want to stay the longest."

The girl then looked at Izzy as she stood up. "You should come over sometime or we can hang out or have a sleepover," she said softly before her confidence faded. "I mean, I-if you want to. You d-don't have to."


"Guess we both expected too much of him" Isabella said more so to herself.

She looked up at Lila, "Sure, sounds fun. Just....not now, some time later. I've got.....uh....I've got stuff I've gotta deal with currently and Allison invited me to her place tomorrow" she tells her.

Izzy looked at the front door, half hoping that Jimmy would return but knew he wouldn't. She stood up as well.

"Well, I should probably get home now. I'll see you around" she says before going to find Theo who was going to give her a ride home.


Not too much later after Izzy left Jimmy showed up to bring the rest of the kids from the past home. After thanking Scott, Stiles, Allison, and Lydia, the group left for the old Hale House.


Back at home Ophelia went straight up to her room, changing into one of Jimmy's old grey sleep shirts and a pair of dark blue shorts before she laid down on her bed and got out a notebook. With that in hand, the young teen then worked on devising a plan to save her friends in the past. 

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