Chapter 4

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Ophelia nodded. "I can look for it after school."

It didn't take long for the two girls to reach a local clothing store, and Elia looked around in awe. She had never seen a store so big. And, there was even a section of the store with groceries in it.


"Go ahead, pick whatever you like. Lydia leant me one of her credit cards to buy you and your friends new clothes. She has a test, that's why she couldn't come" Isabella told the girl.

She smiled as the girl looked at the clothes in awe. She was glad that Lydia had trusted her enough to give her a credit card and she was also glad that Lydia was very rich.


The girl looked over at Izzy. "You don't have to do that, I have money that I can spend."

Elia wasn't entirely sure what a credit card was, but she did know enough to know that the girl was offering to buy things for her and the rest of her friends, but one of the lessons her parents had taught her early on was to rely on herself, not other people.


"Nope! I'm paying, no arguing. Now pick out whatever you like then you can pick out clothes for your friends before we buy groceries." Izzy tells the girl.


Ophelia nodded in relent before realizing something. "Bette and Dot," she pointed out. "We all only have what we are wearing, but no store is going to have clothes for Bette and Dot."


"No worries, I'm sure Lydia and I can come up with something for them. Now shop girl!" Izzy says, giggling at how she sounded like Lydia.

She figured that Bette and Dot were the conjoined twins and knew that she and Lydia would be able to make clothes for them.


The blonde nodded. "Okay." She was starting to like this girl.

It didn't take long for her to pick out a couple pairs of jeans and leggings, a few dresses, and some shirts. The girl then moved over to the shoe section, picking out a pair of red flats and a pair of white tennis shoes. Ophelia had to shop in the kids section due to her unnatural height, but she didn't care because that also made the clothes cheaper.


Isabella just followed Ophelia around, watching her shop. It was kinda funny to see the girl look at graphic tees in confusion.

"All done?" She asked after a while.

She could tell Ophelia was having a little trouble holding all the clothes she had picked out not only for her but also for her friends so, Izzy took some of the clothes to help the girl out and put them in a cart that was nearby.

"Ready for grocery shopping?" She asked.


Ophelia nodded, "this isn't too much is it? We can put some back."


"Nope, not allowed." Izzy said.

She then pushed the cart over to the grocery section of the store.

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