Chapter 12

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Monday morning, Stiles sped walk down the hallways of the school until he found the pack.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Scott asked his best friend.

"Umm...Izzy didn't show up at the station today. It's usually where we meet before I give her a ride to school and Parrish said he hadn't heard from her all day yesterday" Stiles said.

Allison became worried when she heard that. Scott turned to look at his girlfriend.

"What's the matter?" He asked in concern.

"Bella left early during training yesterday, said her brother wanted her to come home. But if Stiles just said that her brother never heard from her while she was at my place then I don't know where she went" Allison explained.

Stiles saw Ophelia and her friends further down the hall and made his way over to them.

"Ophelia!" He called her name before stopping beside her.

"Have any of you seen Isabella since the party?" He asked in concern.


Jimmy just walked away with a frown after whispering to Maggie that he would see them at lunch.

Ophelia shook her head no before walking off with the rest of the freaks following her. She didn't know what Izzy had done, but she could tell that after the party, Jimmy had been upset and the only person he had talked to was Izzy so it had to of been her fault.


Stiles walked back to the pack, shaking his head.

"Neither of them have seen her since the party" he says.

Suddenly, it could be heard throughout the school, two motorcycle engines. Everyone stopped in the halls, curious as to who could be the riders of the bikes. Three teens walked in, still wearing their helmets.

Two of the three teens removed their helmets, revealing the twins Aiden and Ethan.

"I didn't know the twins were back in town" Stiles said quietly.

"Who's the other with them?" Liam asked curiously.

The other teen, who was easy to tell was female because of her body figure took of her helmet which revealed Isabella!

"What is she doing with the twins?!" Malia asks.


Isabella got a ride to school from Aiden. She had found the Alpha pack yesterday and asked Deucalion for help when she left the Argents' after making up an excuse.

As she walked in behind the twins, she was completely different. Bella was now wearing; black leggings, a short white skirt, a purple sleeveless shirt and a black leather jacket over it. Accompanying her outfit, she wore heeled boots.

Izzy was even wearing make up. Lipstick a dark red to make her lips pop. She walked with the twins confidently, loving the attention as other students in the hall and ignored the McCall pack and the freaks from the Freakshow.


"What happened to her?" Lydia asked in confusion as their once friend walked right by them.

"Something at the party" Scott guessed.


None of the freak show members even noticed Izzy when she walked by with the twins as they were all too wrapped up in a conversation together. Ophelia had shown them all the article about what happened to their friends and they were desperate to find a way to stop that from happening as well as find a way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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