Chapter 2

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During the car ride, Ophelia sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, she felt slightly sick from the movement of the car.

After a couple minutes of that feeling, she buried her head in her hands, trying not to throw up or start crying. She did not like this. She did not like this at all.


Lydia's car came to a stop as they had arrived at the preserve. Theo's truck was already there and assumed that they were already out looking.

"Ophelia? We're here, you can get out now" Lydia tells the girl, looking through her rearview mirror.

She and Malia climbed out of the car before Lydia walked around to open Ophelia's door.

"Come on now, we're going to look for your friends. Unless you'd like to stay here" Lydia said.


As soon as the car door was open, the girl jumped out of the car, looking around at the trees before she saw something next to one of the smaller trees. She walked over, looking to see if I was she thought it was.

Bending down, the short girl picked up the lizard, chameleon to be exact. She had thought that she had lost him, but her he was. She laughed lightly to herself, still holding the light green, fist sized reptile.


Lydia watched Ophelia walk away before turning to Malia who was now a coyote.

"C'mon Ophelia, let's go find your friends" the Banshee tells the girl.

Malia sniffed the air before taking off running, Lydia immediately following her, not checking to see if Ophelia was following.


Ophelia followed after the two, albeit at a slower pace, so by the time she caught up, two girls were standing in front of the conjoined twins. She could hear Lydia saying something as she walked forward, trying to look around the two pack girls.


"How interesting. Two heads on one body and they seem to be fine." Lydia said to herself.

"Are you alright? What are your names?" Lydia asked them.


The two sisters looked at each other, and it was obvious that they were communicating telepathically. A few seconds later, both sisters faced forwards, but neither said anything. Or at least that was until Elia pushed her way past the two girls and in front of the twins. When she saw them, she grinned, instantly running up to hug Bette and Dot.


Lydia watched as Ophelia hugged the conjoined girls.

"Ophelia, are these some friends of yours?" She asks.


The blonde didn't say anything as she looked up at Bette and Dot. "Where are Elsa and Jimmy?" Ophelia asked softly.

"Not sure, Elie." Dot responded, frowning slightly. "Until we saw you, we thought that we were the only ones from the show here."

The grey eyed girl frowned as well. "I remember seeing Elsa, and Jimmy, and maybe Dell, but I don't remember him for sure."

Bette placed her hand on the small teenager's head in a comforting manner. "We'll find them."

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