Chapter 3

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The following day, the freaks still hadn't found anywhere to stay- they had slept in the woods- and Ophelia was going stir crazy. The girl surprised herself when she practically begged Elsa to go to school, something she would have never done before.

Finally, Elsa relented, so while everyone else went to go look for a real place to stay, Elia got ready for school. It didn't take long for her to realize, however, that she didn't have anything. That was why she was wandering around the town when she ran into one of the pack members.


Stiles had been walking to school this morning because his dad said he needed the exercise. As if! Stiles thought he got enough exercise chasing after supernatural creatures or running away from them.

On his walk he saw the mystery girl from yesterday. Ophelia was her name, he had been told.

"Ophelia, hi. We met briefly yesterday. I'm Stiles" he introduced himself to her.


Ophelia looked up when she heard her name being called before blushing slightly. "Hi, Stiles."

She had never heard a name like that before, but she assumed it was just something to do with her being in what she considered the future.

"I'm headed to school? Wanna walk with me?" Stiles asked her.

He assumed that she was going to go to school now but, just didn't know where it was. So he offered to show her the way.


"Um," the blonde paused. On one hand, she did need to figure out where the school was so she could get there, but on the other, she also needed to find a grocery store and clothing store. Elsa had given her a bit of money to get some new things with, and she really didn't want to go to her first day of school in dirty clothes. "I'm not sure. I need to get to the school, but also to the store."

"You can go to the store during study hall. C'mon, school's about to start and we can't be late. Not even for your first day" Stiles said.


The girl relented. "Okay. But what's study hall?" The girl was overly confused because she had never heard of half the classes that Elsa had told her that she would be taking.


"It's a break. You can either study for a next class or eat in the cafeteria or read in the library or hang out in the courtyard" Stiles explained as he began to continue his walk to the high school.


Ophelia nodded her head in slight understanding. "You can show me where to find a store then?" As she spoke, the girl twisted a handful of her too large sweater in her hands. She had put her gloves back on, hiding the scars on her hands, but she didn't realize that the top of her light sweater was sliding down, revealing where the word 'Monster' had been carved into her left shoulder.


"Yeah, sure" Stiles said.

He then looked at the girl, noticing a word carved into her skin. He stopped her and turned her to face him.

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