Chapter 8

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Isabella walked back into the cafeteria. She walked towards the pack, but stopped when she heard some shouting. She noticed that there were a group of guys gathered around and made her way over to them.

Izzy pushed her way through the group of guys and saw Jimmy in the middle being bullied by a guy from the lacrosse team.

"Hey! Knock it off, leave him alone!" She told the bully.

She had managed to push her way through the crowd of boys and now stood in front of Jimmy in a protective manner. Isabella soon noticed that the bully was Alex, Lucinda's (random female bully name) boyfriend.

"Well well well, if it isn't Whisp. Come to protect your boyfriend? I'm surprised your still standing, after what my girlfriend did to you" Alex said, looking at the girl before him.

Isabella was too angry to correct Alex on his assumption. She couldn't stand him and his girlfriend bullying her and others.

"You know what Alex, I have had enough of you and your stupid girlfriend of a slut going around and bully others just because you two think your better than everyone. News flash, you aren't." Izzy growled out.

Alex grew angry when Isabella called his girlfriend a slut. He went to hit her and his eyes widened when she caught his wrist.

Isabella was shaking in anger and steam was literally rolling of her.

"You and your tramp of a girlfriend better get out of school and never come back because people here are sick of you both and how you start causing problems. We've had enough!" She growled out.

Alex immediately began to try to get his wrist out of her grasp because his skin started to burn.

"Do you understand me?" She asked for clarification.

"Y-yes. I understand, just let go please" Alex pleaded.

Isabella released his wrist and Alex turn and ran out of the cafeteria. Isabella closed her eyes and focused on staying in control before she turned to face Jimmy and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" She asked him in concern.


"Yeah," Jimmy nodded. "Thanks."

The teenager was wearing gloves that looked exactly like Ophelia's, except his were mittens. That was why he was being bullied, because one of the gloves had slipped off in class.


She looked at his gloves, before looking up at him.

"Here, come with me. I want to show you something" Isabella tells him.

She pulled him with her as she walked out of the cafeteria. She walked past Ophelia with Jimmy and brought him into an empty science class room. She let go of his gloved hand and closed the door behind the , locking it before pulling down the blinds over the door's window.


Jimmy looked around in curiosity, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Where are we?" He hadn't taken a science class yet, and that had not existed when he was in school before, at least not in the lower to middle class schools that he had attended.


Isabella had walked over to one the tables when Jimmy had been looking around.

"Science classroom." She tells him.

She pulled out a bunsen burner that went under a flask and sat down at one of the tables.

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