Chapter 9

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Ophelia and Elsa made it home about an hour later, and after distributing the phones to the freaks, Elia and Jimmy tried to figure out how to use their new iPhone 4's together.


Stiles shot up from the floor when his phone rang. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" He said groggily in the phone.

"Oh, ok. Yeah, we'll be there soon. Bye Scott" Stiles said after listening to his best friend talk.

He got up and walked over to Isabella, waking her up.

"Hey, Scott called. Derek wants to talk to the three of us" he tells her.

Bella sat up and yawned, "Okay, lets go then" she said before getting up.

The two of them left the station in Stiles' Jeep and headed for Derek's loft. When Stiles pulled up, the two friends went into the building and headed up to the loft.


Eventually, the pair figured out the basics on their phones and they started teaching everyone else. It took a while, but finally everyone had their phone set up the way they wanted it to be, and they all had each other's numbers.

Then Jimmy started making lunch and Ophelia sat on one of the counters to talk to him.

"So, you and Isabella, huh?"


Stiles slid open the door to Derek's loft and Isabella walked in, him following in behind her. Scott and Derek were standing over a table, talking.

"What's up? Why did you need us here?" Isabella asked.

"Scott told me about the Dread Doctors time traveling and bringing others with them. We're discussing ways how that happened and how to return them" Derek said.

"Oh" Izzy said quietly.

She forgot that Ophelia and her friends weren't from this time. Bella didn't want to send them back but she knew it was the right thing to do, even if it made her heart hurt.

Scott and Derek looked at Isabella, noticing the sadness in her chemosignals.

"Bella, it's the right thing to do. You know this" Scott told the Hellhound.

"I know Scottie, I know. I just don't want to say goodbye" Bella told her Alpha.

Stiles looked at her, "Well you don't have to say goodbye right now. Why don't you text Lydia and the two of you plan a party for our new friends. Pack only" he suggested.

Bella smiled at the thought and looked at the boys, "I will, I'll go to her place and plan it right now. We can have it tomorrow." She said.

Isabella said her goodbyes and left Derek's loft, heading for Lydia's house. When she got to the banshee's house, she went up to her room.

"Let's plan a party for our friends!" Bella said happily.


For lunch everyone had chicken sandwiches, and Ophelia chose to have some baby carrots with that. Once they were done eating, Elia sat down on her bad, messing around on her phone.


When the party was planned, Isabella left Lydia's house to go to Ophelia's house to tell her about the party.

She stood on the porch and knocked on the door taking a step back and waited.


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