Chapter 7

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Last night, Isabella had learned from her brother about what she was. She was just like her brother, a Hellhound. Jordan had told her that when he first experienced being a Hellhound, he couldn't really remember what happened. But he told her that being a Hellhound meant that she was the protector of the supernatural. That's why she began taking the dead bodies of chimeras to the Nematon just like he did.

Izzy now stood alone in the hallways of the school. She had gotten to school before the rest of the pack and hated it. Without the pack around, she was shy and quiet. Students liked to pick on her for being shy. Just like now. She had been shoved to the floor.

"Well well, if it isn't Whisp. What's wrong? Without your friends, your just trash aren't you?" The bully asked.

When the bully didn't get an answer, they kicked Isabella in the ribs, cracking a couple. Then they kicked her in the stomach, causing Izzy to cough and groan.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" She heard a male voice yell.

But when whoever shooed the bully off came into view, Isabella realized it wasn't Theo, who usually came to her rescue but, the boy from the other day. One of Lila's friends.


That morning, Ophelia woke up, ready to go to school. She loved her family of freaks, but she was starting to get cabin fever.

With a faint smile, the blonde got out of bed, sauntering over to her bathroom so she could get ready for the day.

Elie showered, brushed her teeth, and splashed some water on her face. She then left the room and walked over to her closet to continue getting ready. Ophelia pulled back the doors, revealing her small amount of clothes. She pulled out a bra, a dark red long sleeved shirt with embroidered flowers, and a pair of light wash jeans.

The girl changed quickly, discarding her pajamas in her laundry basket.

Sitting down on the bed after she was dressed, the teen pulled on a pair of red flats and ran her fingers through her hair a couple of times before tying it in a messy French braid.

Now done in her room, Ophelia swung her new pale yellow bookbag filled with new school supplies onto one shoulder, and headed down the stairs.

The only other people downstairs were Bette and Dot, so the fourteen-year-old greeted the twins with a smile before walking over to the fridge. She pulled out a bowl of blueberries, tomatoes, and cheese before walking over to the cabinet where she got out two slices of bread. Ophelia snacked on the bowl of blueberries while she made a tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch which got packed into a brown paper bag until noon.

By the time that Ophelia was halfway through the bowl of blueberries, Jimmy and Maggie came downstairs and Elie packed the remaining fruit into a container so she could eat it on the way to school. The group of five then made their way out of the house and towards the high school.


They all made it to the school relatively early, so after stopping by the office to pick up their schedules, they split off into groups. Bette, Dot, and Maggie went to the library to see what they could find out about this time period while Jimmy and Ophelia went exploring to find their future classes. That was when the pair ran into Isabella.

It didn't take long for them to realize that the girl was being bullied, they had experienced that enough to know what it looked like, and Jimmy immediately went to the girl's rescue while the blonde stood behind him, ready to jump in if need be.


Isabella looked up from the floor, to see one of Ophelia's friends standing up for her. She winced in pain as she tried to get up with cracked ribs. Her stomach still hurt from being kicked too. Using the row of lockers behind her, she pulled herself up. She limped over to the boy, even doing that really hurt.

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