Chapter 10

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Ophelia got off the bed once the hellhound left her room. She then walked over to her closet to start getting ready for the party.

The blonde pulled out a light blue shirt with lace on the sides and a pair of black flats. She would keep on her light wash jeans. Ophelia then changed quickly and went into the bathroom where she fixed her hair in put it a fishtail braid going down the side of her head.

Once she was ready, the girl left her room and went downstairs where Jimmy and the Tattlers were waiting. Maggie was still getting ready.


Isabella had told her brother about the party. He had told her that it was fine for her to go but first he wanted her to come on patrol with him so they could catch up and he could tell her more about being a Hellhound.

Luckily, Bella had texted Ophelia the address to Lydia's lake house before she went out with her brother.


The pack was already gathered at Lydia's lake house plus a few others that were known to the pack and were trusted. Theo however was getting a little worried when Isabella hadn't shown up with either Lydia or Stiles and her phone was off.

He told himself that she was probably still getting ready but that didn't stop him from looking out the window every few minutes. He felt relieved when he saw headlights but soon felt off again as it wasn't a police squad car, it was a rented one.

When the people from the past came in, Theo walked over to Jimmy and pulled him to the side.

"Where is she?! Where is Izzy?" he asked in a worried and accusatory tone.


Jimmy yanked his arm away from the werewolf. "I didn't do anything, maybe she just doesn't want to be around you." With that, the light haired teen turned and started to walk away.


Theo growled lowly before stalking out of the house. He took off running, heading for her place.


The Parrish siblings were returning from patrol. Jordan had taken Isabella back to the house before going to the station. Jordan had just pulled away and Isabella had only been standing in the driveway for about a minute when suddenly she was tackled into a hug.

"There you are! I was so worried when you didn't show up with either Lydia or Stiles and you weren't answering your phone" came a familiar voice.

Bella wrapped her arms around Theo's waist in a hug, "Sorry, big brother just wanted me to come with him on patrol and catch up. Why don't we go to the party now" she says.

She looked around before noticing something, "Did you run all the way here from Lydia's lake house?!" she asked in shock.

"Yes, now lets go back. You should be able to keep up" Theo said.

Isabella looked down at her shoes, she had put on heels for the party to go with her outfit.

"I'm wearing heels Theo. I'll end up tripping and probably twist my ankle if I run with you" she tells him.

At that, Theo had her jump on his back and ran the both of them there. When they arrived, he let her get down and slipped his hand into hers before walking into the house. He was smirking a little, maybe now the other guy wouldn't try to talk to Bella while he was next to her and holding her hand.


Ophelia was sitting on a couch, being antisocial. The twins and Maggie were of talking to a girl... Kira, she pretty sure her name is, and she had no clue where Jimmy was. So that just left her alone, not really sure what to do.

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