Chapter 6

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Ophelia was peacefully oblivious to what was going on with the pack. Once she was sure that no one needed her help, we went got dressed before preparing to go find the pack and thank them. She felt bad for the way that Elsa had spoken to them, even if they hadn't picked up on the cold tone.

In her room, Elia hung up all of her clothes before walking over to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. She took a quick shower, washing her straight, light blonde hair, and brushed her teeth. She then put her hair in a braid while it was still damp.

Now done in the bathroom, the girl walked back into her bedroom and started changing. She pulled on a grey sports bra, clean socks and underwear, a pale yellow long sleeve shirt, and light wash jeans.

Ophelia smiled as she tugged on her white sneakers. It felt so good to be in clean clothes. Once she was completely ready, the grey eyed girl set out on her adventure to look for the pack, however, she never would have expected what she found.


Liam, Scott, Theo, Malia and Isabella were now shifted into their other forms. Liam and Theo's eyes were yellow, Malia's were blue, Scott's were red and Izzy's were orange. Stiles and Mason was fighting with baseball bats. Corey and Lydia had to stand off to the side but, Lydia would force a Dread Doctor back with her scream. Kira had drawn her sword to fight, the fight soon triggering her Kitsune.

Corey heard someone coming, and turned to see that Ophelia had walked out and made her way over to them.

"Get back!" Corey told her, "You've got to get out of here. We've got this covered" he continued to say.


Walking out of the house, Ophelia felt a light spring breeze blow against her face and she smiled. It had always been so stuffy in Florida.

The blonde closed her eyes and enjoyed the temperament weather for a minute before opening them. When she opened her eyes, her peace was broken as she heard an obnoxious clicking sound.

Elia winced, trying to figure out what it was before walking towards where she thought it was coming from.

That was when she found just the group of people she had been looking for... and then some. Ophelia's eyes widened slightly in surprise as she watched the pack fight off men in world war looking suits.

It was only when one of the tall men turned to face her that all of the memories came rushing back to her.


Screams filled the air as a small, blonde girl struggled against the binds holding her to a table.

Even when the shackles tightened, she continued to fight it, poison rushing through her blood stream as her eyes started to flash.


The memory ended when Ophelia's eyes changed and she shifted. Her teeth grew longer, her eyes darkened, and her facial features changed as well. Her ears changed shape, becoming pointier and longer, her teeth caused her jaw to shift slightly- making it look as if she had a overbite, and her skin went from a pale to an even lighter color.

Ophelia couldn't think straight as she felt the pain from the shift, and then it all went away suddenly. The only thing left was the urge to kill.


Corey looked at the girl in awe. She had shifted into a wolf but she didn't look like the others. He watched as she shot off, killing the Dread Doctors that she came across.

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