Man in the Mirror

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Unknown POV

Wandering around this place has given me a lot to think about. Some in which include who I really am. I feel like am forgetting what was important in a life. Or a life that I am forgetting, anyway.

The fight for survival has caused me to go insane. The lack of food and water has ripped me from what little sanity or knowledge of my life that I had left.

That was until I saw these black figures lurking around. It made me remember something that happened.


The rubble of the fallen city surrounded us. The cheers and sobs from the ninja were heard throughout the city.

I held my arms out to Nya as she seemed to be on the brook of tears. She rushed over to Cole an buried her face in the crook of his neck.

I stood there with a dejected look on my face. Everyone forgot about me that day. That was the day that I forgot about everyone.

End Flashback

It was then when I realized who I was. Though I didn't have almost any of memories, I knew that I was that man that was in all of my memories.

I was Jay. Though I have no idea what I am doing here or even what my purpose is yet, I will get back to whatever land that is. 

One day. That is when I completely blacked out. The last thing that I could feel was my body being lifted off of the ground.

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