Friend or Foe?

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I landed on the Monastery with Cole weakly trailing behind me. I could hear is raspy breathing, and it made me feel sorry for him. Made me feel sorry for everyone when the invasion took place. They wouldn't be able to stop it in time.

"Jay?" Cole asked me as he grabbed my arm.

I looked at him.

"Why are you doing this?" Cole asked me as he searched my eyes.

"I don't remember my life before this. I don't remember the things that I learned or the battles that I have won. When I awoke in that realm, it was like I found the part of me that was missing. Mother helped me. She was there for me when I needed her most, and I am thankful that it was she that I was brought to instead of someone else that was there." I said as I shivered at the memory of the guards that I first ran into.

"But what if she is lying to you?" Cole asked me as we continued to walk.

"Then, it is too late for me. If she is lying, you guys would be the ones that would have to stop us because by the time if I knew she was lying, it would be too late for me to stop her and myself." I told him as I let him lead the way into the control room of the bounty.

"Guys! I have brought someone here with me." Cole said as I hid behind the door.

"Let me guess. It is Melany." Nya said as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know who this Melany is, but I can tell you that it is not me." I told Nya as I stepped into the room.

"Jay?" Kai asked me as I stood there awkwardly.

"I guess so." I told him.

"He doesn't remember you, Kai. He only truly remembers Nya." Cole said.

"He remembers you." Kai remarked.

"No. He only remembers one memory of me. A memory of our fight on Chen's Island." Cole said as he led me to Nya.

"Hey." I told her as I looked to the ground.

"What happened to you?" She whispered.

I remained silent. I didn't dare to look at anyone in the eyes.

"Jay was able to save me. Isn't that right, Jay?" Cole asked me.

I looked out the window and remained silent.

"Is Jay okay?" Kai asked Cole as he looked at me.

"I thought that he was. He was talking to me just fine earlier." Cole said as he looked at me in confusion.

"Go." I whispered as I felt my head start to spin.

"What?" Nya asked me as she grabbed my hand.

"Go, I have to. Late before it is." I said as I felt my words jumble together.

I ran to the window and jumped. I held my breath as I felt the wind against my face. One thing that I knew for sure was that I had to keep them out of any danger. Out of any danger at any cost.

Authors Note

I know that I said that I didn't know when I was going to update again, but I am waiting in the hospital right now, and saw that this chapter was almost done. I decided to finish it.

They are going to have to do a procedure on my Grandfather tomorrow, but his heart isn't working the way that it is supposed to, and he is at a high risk for a stroke. I decided to stay here with my Grandmother, Aunt, and Mother while my Dad, Brother, and Sister left to go back home to Michigan. I wanted to stay in case he doesn't make it, because he has a high chance that he wont. We were able to figure out though that he had a heart attack due to some sort of heart vein blockage. As to how his heart is working, instead of pumping the blood to his heart, it seems to be shaking it, and not all of the blood that he needs for his heart to work is getting into him.

This will probably be one of my last chapters before I go on a break to clear my mind and take a break to decompress all that has happened.

I wanted to say thank you for your understanding and always being there with your positive words as I am going through this rough time in my life. It really means a lot to me that you all care and want to help.

Peace out Dudes and Dudettes!!!

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