A Complicating Bond

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I watched as my Mother walked away from the captivity room. She was keeping someone or something there. I just know it.

I guess that you would think that I would trust my own Mother, but I honestly don't. She is keeping something away from me. Hiding it away like her other lies that she has dissolved into nothing.

I started walking over there when one of her many Guards stopped me.

"Just where do you think you are going, your highness?" The Guard asked.

"I didn't know I wasn't welcomed in there. I am just exploring the rooms." Jay lied as he slowly backed away.

"Oh really? If you were lying I would---" The Guard started before being cut off.

"You wouldn't do anything, if you know what is best for you. If my Son wants to explore, let him explore." Alisa threatened as she walked over.

"But your excellency." The Guard started.

"Don't even start. Go ahead Jay. Be careful in there." Alisa called after her son as he walked into the room.

"I will. Thanks Mom." I called.

"No problem, Jason!" Alisa called back to me as I smiled.

I entered the room. There were devices of harm everywhere. I held my breath. I swore that I saw blood dripping down from one of the several silver blades.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I called out.

"I'm here." I heard someone whisper.

I followed that whisper to see the girl with the beautiful chocolate brown eyes and raven hair huddled in a dark space.

"Nya?" I asked for reassurance.

"Jay!!" She shouted as she rushed towards the bars.

I stepped back.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Nya asked as I looked at her.

"You are one of the only people that I can remember certain parts about. I get flashes about you and me all of the time." I told her in a calm voice.

Deep down I was freaking out.

"Who all do you remember?" She asked.

"I remember you and some parts of Alice." I told her.

"You and I have to get out of here. Tell the others that you are alive. To stop your sister and defeat your mother once and for all." She whispered to me.

"I can't do that." I told her bluntly.

"Why can you not do it? Do you even trust me?" She asked.

"Of course I trust you. It is just that I need to help her too. There is good in everyone, Nya. There is good in her too. I have seen it in my very own eyes." I told her.

"What can you see her? How can you trust her?" She asked.

"We have a complicated bond." I told her as I looked away and headed off out of the room.

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