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Lloyd POV

I watched it all. I watched Jay fall and my teammates turn to stone. I watched Nya fall to the ground in agony. I was absolutely helpless. 

I couldn't help but wonder what Jay was doing. I couldn't help if he was understanding what he was doing. Was he even aware? Was his Sister the one who was in control of the body that looked too much like his own?

My energy was running out fast. I was losing it more than I getting it. I was scared that I was going to fail. I was scared that I was going to let Ninjago down, because I knew that it was my fault this was happening. We are Ninja. We should be the ones who protect Ninjago from disaster, and we have proved that we cannot do that today.

"Nya! You need to snap out of it!" I shouted at her as I watched her form shake.

Her cries got louder as she pounded her fist to the cage ground. I felt sorry for her. I wonder if she notices that our team was turned to lifeless stone. I am debating whether she is going to forgive Jay after all of this. 

"What's the point?" She asked in sorrow as she looked up to me with red eyes. 

I felt my heart break a little bit with this. Nya was one who doesn't really like to show when she is weak, and now she is beyond being weak. She is completely broken. She is torn down and ripped to shreds. 

"We don't know that Jay is completely gone. Jay probably doesn't understand what he is doing, Nya. Jay wouldn't give up if it were you, so don't give up on him. He is in there somewhere. He is trying to get out of it, I'm sure." I told her as I felt the creature shoot more smoke at us.

Nya still looked at me unsure.

"Nya, we are running out of time! If we don't find a solution now, we are going to lose him forever. If we do that, you are never going to forgive yourself. Pull yourself together god dammit!!!" I shouted at her as I watched her close her eyes. 

When her eyes opened again, I saw what she had previously lost. Hope had entered her eyes again. It wasn't just hope that was in her eyes. There was love and determination. There was what our motto was. A Ninja Never Quits.

"This monster is a demon Oni." She told me after she studied the creature in front of us.

"So?" I prompted as I shot it with more of my power.

"So what is the one thing that Oni are afraid of?" She asked me.

"I suppose the golden weapons, but those were destroyed a few years ago, remember?" I asked her as she thought.

"What if don't really need the weapons itself? What if we need what created them?" She said with a smirk.

"You have lost me." I grunted as I shot the creature with my hands.

"You are half Dragon and Oni." She stated as she looked at me.

"I don't understand why your history lesson has the key to stopping these creatures." I groaned as I put an Energy bubble around us.

"Your Grandfather created the golden weapons to help harness the powers of the most powerful Elemental Masters. You are the one that is like your Grandfather. You have the blood of both. So what we need is to use your blood!" Nya said as she finished her thought.

"And how do you suppose that we do that? Drug it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Exactly!"Nya exclaimed.

"I don't think that any drug is going to save Jay in this state." I told her.

"No, but if we put some of your blood on it, the creature would knock out. So..." Nya started to say.

"The creature would be too weak to keep them stone! We just need it to be weak long enough to be able to blast it with all of our Elemental Powers. That should free them. Then when we free them...." I started to say.

"We hit them with all of our Elements and my Lightning Streak is back!" Nya cheered.

"In theory Nya. We don't know what is to happen to them when they are knocked out of their form." I told her as she slowly deflated.

"I really just want him to come back to me." Nya whispered so lowly that I wasn't sure if I was actually supposed to hear it.

"Look Nya. We all want our Brother back. I don't think that he will ever forgive me for what I did to Ed and Edna, but I will make sure that I do everything in my power to make sure he comes back to you. I know that it wont make up for what I had done, but I will always try to re improve my relationship with him." I told her.

I thought back to the Sea of Sand. When I stabbed Ed and Edna. I saw Jay's mortified face as the blade went through each of them. I swear that I could see my Father grinning at the fact that I just killed 2 innocent people.

It wasn't even that they were just 2 random people. They were people that most of us considered Family. They were 2 people that both Jay and Nya looked up to as Parents even though they were no ones.

It was because of me that there smiling faces never got to see their Son get married. It was because of me that they didn't get to see their Grand kids that would come before or after their Wedding. 

"LLOYD!!!" Nya screamed at me which caused me to wake up from my day dream.

"Yes?" I asked her confused.

"I have been trying to talk to you for 5 minutes. Are you okay?" She asked me as she grabbed the powdered substance from her outfit.

"Yeah. I guess that I am just lost in thought." I said sheepishly as I rubbed my neck.

"It's fine. Jay would do that all of the time." She said as she grabbed a blade that was hidden.

"Are you sure that you want to do this? I don't know how much this is going to hurt." Nya asked as she hesitantly handed the blade towards me.

"If it will give us a chance to save our Family, I will do whatever it takes." I told her as I put the blade towards the palm of my hand.

I slowly did an intake of breath as the blade slowly cut into my hand. I hissed in pain. I watched as the blood drops fell into the substance. I felt dizzy and grabbed the poles of the cage for support.

"Are you okay?" Nya asked as she pulled the substance away from me and towards the creature.

"Lets bring our Brother back home." I told her as I wrapped a bandage around my cut.

Nya looked towards the creature. Then she slowly blew it at it. I watched as it screamed in pain. I had to sit down as I felt my blood mix with its. I saw Nya cover her ears. Whether it was to block out the screaming or the fact that she couldn't stand the fact that Jay was in pain I'm not sure.

Then, there was silence. I looked up as I saw everyone slowly coming back to life. They looked confused and dazed. Nya was too busy looking at the creatures lying form to notice.

"I don't understand. What happened?" Cole asked confused.

"All I remember is looking at mist." Kai groaned as he looked at Zane.

"Don't look at me. I am just as confused as you guys are." Zane told Kai as they looked to me and Nya.

"I will fill you in later. We don't have time to explain. This creature isn't going to be out for much longer, and I am sure that we want them not together anymore." I told them as I put a hand on Nya's shoulder.

"What do we do?" Zane asked as he opened up all of the cage doors.

"I think that if we hit it with all of our Elements at the same time that it will knock them out of it." Nya said quietly as she stood up.

"Wont that be painful for him?" Cole asked worriedly.

"I don't think we have a choice, Cole." Kai said as he walked over to Nya and pulled her into a hug.

They all sighed as they got into a line. I was the one to start us off.






The creature then slowly rose to the ground, and we were blinded. I had to look away from the light. I knew that we had won. We had won for now anyway.

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