Saving A Future

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Cole POV

I took Melany into our only unoccupied room. The only room we had available was Jay's room. 

I opened the door. Dust covered the room, and for the first time since his death, I stepped into this room.

I saw the pictures framed onto the wall of our past victories. I saw his clothes hanging neatly in his closest as well as some of Nya's things. I saw his journal. Knowing it was bad of me, I opened it. I flipped to the last written date here.

Dear Journal and whoever might be reading this,

The date today is January 16th, 2019. I am writing in this for what may be the last time. Time is so short, and I fear that my time is coming to a close. I will end what I started about a year and a half ago. Alice may be the biggest threat that Ninjago has ever had, and I need to make sure that they are all safe. 

I guess that I need to have a confession. I confess this: I know that I seem the most calm under situations, but that isn't true at all. The truth is that when I am scared, or when I know that we are going through a tough time, that I make jokes to make the times go faster.

I have something to ask of for whoever is reading of this. Bellow, I have messages for everyone and what I want you all to do if a case of my unlikely demise is to come.

Lloyd, I want you to keep what you are doing. I want you to lead the team to save Ninjago and to stay the way that you are. I want you to grow as a person and to never give up on yourself even when the world seems to have given up on you. Keep smiling and continue to make mistakes. They will help you grow as a leader.

Zane, you are probably the weirdest person/robot that I have ever met. You are strong in your own ways, and I hope that you will eventually learn the concept of a Joke. Make sure that the team stays together, because lets be honest, Lloyd is not that great at being a leader yet. Calm down on your complicating words and learn to accept life for what it is. Don't change anything. It is perfect as it is.

Cole, what can I say? You are my best friend. Though I hated you when you were seeing Nya, I moved on. You are the greatest teammate that I could ask for, and I want you to help with Nya. Help her move on from me. Help everyone move on from me. However, in order for you to get everyone to move on from me, you have to first. Listen to what everyone has to say, and listen to their ideas. Help do the things that I could never.

Kai, you are stupid you hot head. I will miss your jumping into action before you  think it through, and I will miss your strong will to fight for what is right. I know you will already do this, but protect Nya. Help form her future and understand that she wont be in a good condition for a while. Continue to help those who cannot help themselves and try hard to not get yourself killed. I know that it will be hard for you, but please try.

Nya, you are the smartest girl I know. I love you more than you will ever know. I love you more than what I can write in these words. You try your hardest at everything, and you don't let what other peoples words define you. You are so much more than just the girl Ninja, or my girlfriend and Kai's little sister. You are family. You are the best you, and I don't want you to change. I know that you probably hate me for what I had to do, but I hope that one day you will spread your wings and learn to forgive what I had to do to protect you and all of Ninjago. I love you so much, Nya Smith, and the best years of my life were the ones with you in them.

I have to meet my destiny. I have to fight and not run. She will eventually catch up to me, and I have to make sure that my family is going to be okay. I will do whatever it takes. If this means that I die and everyone hates me, then all  I can do is say that I am sorry for all of the pain that I have caused you. I love you all, my family, and I could not ask for a better teammate. I could not ask for a better family to spend my final hours with.

This is Jason Gordon Walker, signing off for the final time.

I felt tears fill my eyes and I felt my hand cause creases to the paper. I forgot Melany was in the room with me.

"I am sorry for your loss." Melany said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"He has been gone for a long time, and just like he said here, time was just to short." I told her as I put the journal down.

"This was his room, wasn't it?" She asked me.

"This was his room. His girlfriend wouldn't leave it. She believed that he would just be there one day and life would be perfect again." I told her.

"He was part of her. I would have done anything to have my husband back. Now, he is just a distant memory. A memory that I wish was longer." Melany said.


I looked at the photos that glistened in the paper. It was all the same really. Ever since that fight he had and his untimely death, it was all anyone could talk about.

Nya tried her hardest to hold herself together, and see where that got everyone. Nya went rouge, and then the team just fell apart. Cole and I are literally the only ones left. It is hard to continue to move on when we are just losing everything in the process.

We are trying to save a future of Ninjago that may be lost to time. The Time Twins warned Nya and I of this, but we didn't listen. We didn't think about how the future can change because of our actions and how we handle the past. Jay was a living example of this, and now he is dead.

"Jay wouldn't have given up like we are now." I mumbled as I felt my finger trace his figure on the photo.

"I don't understand why you are giving up so quickly. The worst is yet to come." Melany said at the doorway.

"I don't follow." I told her as she walked over to the photo.

"I knew his Mother before she disappeared. Something she told me was that when you think things are bad, they are always going to get worse. What I am saying is that you may think this is the worst, but the worst is coming, just not right now." Melany said as she looked at the photo.

"How did you know his Mother?" I asked.

"His Mother was friends with mine. She visited my Mother shortly before she disappeared. It was urgent. Like they were deciding what to do with Alisa's new fate." Melany said as she looked at me.

"Alisa?" I asked Melany.

"Alisa was the name of Jay's Mother. Though Jays name means to rejoice, Alisa's name means the noble one. Alisa was a very noble person, and we all loved her for her loyalty. Sadly, her life with was not long enough for her to continue with us." Melany said as she looked away.

"If you don't mind me asking, what does your name stand for?" I asked her.

"What my name stands for isn't important. I am here to help you guys along your journey. That is all that you need to know." Melany said before walking away.

I sat there, being confused. I looked back over at the photo of us all together at the beginning. When Lloyd was just learning to be the Green Ninja.

I couldn't save Jay's future, but I would for sure save everyone else's.

Melany POV

I walked to my room and closed the door. Pulling out a stick, I talked to it:

This is day one of being on this ship. Though I haven't learned much, I have learned that they are close to giving up. 

I have personally talked to each of them in hopes of figuring out what there weaknesses are. I am proud to say that I know at least one fear that each of them has about the future.

What Alice started wont be forgotten. I will continue what she started and make sure that the Ninja stay isolated in their past.

I felt my form flicker as the pale white skin that I have turn to a black skin with purple eyes. 

It wont be long now.

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