If Only

562 11 4

Cole POV

I hate to see the team like this! Nya went crazy, I think. Then again, she did have a point. What if that hole was a portal of some sort. I mean, Ninjago has had so many situations like Jays. I don't understand how it could be any different.

They all think that she is crazy. They locked her in her room. I want to help her. I want to find my brother, find him before the Oni kill us all. I know that there is a slim chance that he is alive, but that is still a chance. A chance that I think is worth taking.

I want to understand why they wont take the chance. When we got the letter that Zane was alive, we quickly ran to compete in this tournament. Why is Jay any different?

I understand that I got into a huge argument with Nya. I didn't think about what she was saying at the time. If only I had listened to her. If only I had tried to understand what she was telling us.

I walked over to Nya's room. I took a deep breath before knocking on her door. Silence was heard at the other side. I decided to knock again. Silence. I knocked one more time. There was once again silence.

"I am going to knock one more time, and if you don't open this door, I will break down your door with such force that people on the other side of the world will be begging for mercy!" I shouted. I might have been over doing it. OH NO! I AM TURNING INTO JAY!!!

I was met with silence once again. That is when I had it. I quickly ran to her door and knocked it down with such a huge force. I am pretty sure that the ship was rocking a little bit. The sight around me was shocking.

Nya's room was a mess. It looked like a tornado came through. It looked as though she was looking for stuff. I saw that most of her clothes were gone. Her weapons were gone. Even important books of hers were gone. The last thing that I saw was gone was a traveling backpack and suitcase that Jay had gotten for her the year before for her birthday. That was when I realized what happened.

Nya, our only sister, ran away. She ran away to go find what she thinks is Jay. There is not a note in sight, and by the looks of it, she had been gone at least all night. She could have been gone longer. I am still debating that one.

The one thing that comes to my mind is a thought that would kill the devil himself.



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