A New Type Of Story

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"I don't have a mother." I said stubbornly.

"Do you not remember anything that has happened months ago?" The strange woman asked me.

"I get bits here and there, but other than that, the only people that I can remember the names to are Nya, Alice, and Myself." I responded.

"But do you know who any of these people are?" She pressed.

I closed my eyes when another vision took place.

Vision 1

I was in some sort of amusement park. The pictures of monsters were around here. I felt as though I had been here before.

I was now in a dining area where I sat with the girl with black hair, I think she was Nya, who was laughing at something that I had said or done.

I looked down to seem my skin turn green with scales. I quickly excused myself and rushed into a different room. 

I am now leaving the room when people start attacking me. I make it out of there and run back into the room. I quickly cover myself and leave the building all together.

I see Nya chained to the roller coaster with fire surrounding this place where there was no longer track.

I was dashing towards her. I finally made it there and started trying to figure out how to get her out.

"Didn't you get a badge in nots?" Her angle voice asked.

"I lied. I was trying to impress you." I said as I looked away.

"Look, you don't need to wear perfume or act like anyone your not. I like you best when you are you." She said as she kissed my cheek. 

I felt my body turn clear as I felt energy surround me. I had unlocked my true potential.

End Vision 1

"Nya is my Girlfriend?" I asked as I looked up to the woman.

"Yes." She said bitterly.

"What about Alice? Do you remember who she is to you?"

I gasped as I grabbed my head.

Vision 2

I was in some sort of storm. This girl with golden blonde hair and brown eyes was floating in the air. 

"It is time to finish this, brother. You might as well accept your fate." The girl whispered as she cackled.

I saw Nya again as she looked like she was about to dive into the girl and knock her into this black hole thing.

 I felt my body grab Nya as I threw her to this guy with porcupine hair. I felt my body launch itself into the air as I pulled this girl into the bottomless pit bellow me.

"I am sorry. I hope that you guys can forgive me one day." I hear myself saying before closing off the portal with some sort of Energy.

End Vision 2

"She is my Sister?" I asked the woman.

"Yes, Alice is your twin sister. She looks like me. She has your father's eyes. You have mine." She said.

"Mom!" I yelled as I ran to her. 

She pulled me into a big hug.

"I have missed you very much, Jayson."

"Why were we not together? How come I have no memory of you? Of anybody?" I asked Mom as I looked up to her.

"You were taken away from me when you were very young. Your Father gave you away in hopes of protecting you from me. From who you were supposed to become years ago. He was not able to save you sister though. We had been together a lot longer before I was taken away to here from my former teammates. They saw us as a threat, Jayson. They would have killed you and your sister, but they thought that you guys were dead and stopped their searches. I have fought long and hard to try and get away from the clutches of this realm. I cannot do such a thing. I have no idea why it is you can only remember certain things from your life. I cannot do anything in my state." Mother said dramatically.

I thought long and hard. It was hard not knowing who or what I was exactly. Mother was clearly leaving certain things out of the story, probably because I am not ready for what it is that she is leaving. 

"What can I do to help?" I demanded.

Authors Note

I am finally getting around to updating this story once again. I hope that you guys liked this chapter. I have been writing it throughout the day.

The next chapter will be called Through The Darkness, and it will be told in the POV of Nya. You will figure out what it is that Nya got herself into this time.

I will say that I have been watching a lot of Ninjago theories on Youtube for Season 11, especially since there has been the Ninjago sets for the Summer has been leaked. A channel that I watched is TannerFishies, and he brought up a good theory in one of his videos that I watched today, and I am going to run it by with you.

Since the sets have been leaked, we have gotten to see at least some of the characters for Season 11. For one of the figures, there seems to be a Jay in a evil outfit or mask if you will. (That is the best way that I can describe what he called it.) Tanner pointed out that this could be the figure for The Forbidden Spinjitzu. He said that with the outfit that they have provided us, that Jay used this Forbidden Spinjitzu, which corrupted Jay. He said that this could be why it was called Forbidden Spinjitzu, because it turned these people, or made them Corrupt if you will.

The Channel is called TannerFishies if you would like to go check out some of his videos on Youtube.

With that being said, this is the end of this chapter. I will see you all later.

Peace out Dudes and Dudettes!!!

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