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My head slumped back onto the floor and I sighed as the atmosphere in the room changed. What once was a fire storm was now a cold waterfall. I heard Elijah sigh as well before he leaned over and kissed me in the middle of my back. I closed my eyes when his lips met my skin.

His strong hands ran up my thighs and slowly put them back together. I leaned into his chest when he pulled me up off the floor. My face was red, slightly self conscious about being naked infront of him but mostly sexually frustrated.

"Why don't you wear my clothes love"? He suggested. I turned my head and politely smiled at him. He leaned in and kissed the top of my nose, snuggling it into his own.

We exited his room into the chaos of the hide out. People were bustling everywhere, barging through doors and yelling commands on phones. We went back to the library where his generals sat waiting. I avoided eye contact with all of them- I'm sure they were aware of what took us so long.

"Someone tell me what's going on", Elijah demanded. His energy went from sweet and loving in private to commanding and strong infront of his soldiers. I had to beg my body to not get turned on again.

I couldn't help but watch him work. His eyes lit up as he took in all the information and lead his people. Every now and then his hair would fall across his face and I had to stop myself from reaching out for him. It was amazing that I had only been back with Elijah for a short period of time but yet it's as if we were never apart. I knew time changed him, but I loved him anyways. I knew from the first moment I saw him in that bathroom at the castle.

Elijah's eyes abruptly locked with mine and I felt my cheeks heat, I was caught analyzing him. He winked at me.

After tuning back into the conversation I learned that the man from the castle, whatever his name was, had been following me every since I left. He knew Elijah would come for me and wanted to track him to his hiding place. I frowned at this news.

"What are we going to do"? I quietly asked. Everyone's focus shifted to me.

"We are going to transfer you to a safe place Amelia. My soldiers will stay and fight whatever junkies he sends. He won't come himself", Elijah stated. I felt my stomach drop- I didn't want anyone to die because of me.

Elijah gave the men a few more orders and the next thing I knew he whisked me away to pack up blood bags and things I would need for the trip. I didn't know where we were going, but we were in it together, I found comfort in that thought.

We were rushed into undercover cars and drove for hours before things took a turn for the worst. We came to a stop in a little town on the out skirts of Tennessee and I remember looking out of the window and smiling at Elijah's reflection until I realized it wasn't a reflection at all.

It was a person on the other side looking in.

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