They don't know about us.

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Callie's P.O.V

I wake up to the song,"They don't know about us," playing in my ear from my ear buds. This song fits our (Brandon and I) love perfectly. I then start to sing along. "They don't know about the things we do. They don't know about the "I love you"s and I bet ya if they only knew they would just be jealous of us They don't know about the up all night then don't know I waited all my life just to find a love it feels this right. Baby they don't know. They don't know about us,"I sing as the song ends. I look up at Brandon I didn't notice he moved closer to me as I was singing. "Good morning,"I whisper in his ear. I kiss him on the cheek. And continue to lay in his arms. Then there's a knock on the doorframe. "Callie?"Wyatt asks. I close my eyes and act like I'm sleep. "Callie I know your not sleep,"Wyatt said. I keep my eyes closed. "What do you want Wyatt?",I ask. "You,"He said. I open my eyes. "Wyatt. I .Do. not. want. you,"I said. Wyatt came closer to where Brandon and I were laying. "DONT COME ANY CLOSER!",I yell. "Callie I'm not a monster,"Wyatt says with cracks in his voice. "Your not Brandon either,"I say as I look at Brandon's beautiful eyelashes. "Then what do you want me to do? Do you want me to get my family to take you off the street , do you want me to be your foster brother and and fall in love with you? What do you want me to do Callie?",Wyatt asked."Because that's not fair, say if Brandon wakes up and he doesn't want you? What if he's done with the whole thing? Are you not gonna date ANYBODY because they're not Brandon?"Wyatt asked. "Like our whole relationship is me playing a bunch of charades I have to guess with everything Callie!"Wyatt yelled. I looked up at Wyatt. "You are right. Your not Brandon and that was un- fair of me but I have my heart set on Brandon Foster I'm sorry but I don't want anyone else."I said. "But Callie,"Wyatt said. "Wyatt I'm sorry but I just can't. I can't think about other people's happiness and forget my own! I cant do that any longer. But I do want us to stay friends. Just friends,"i said. "Good luck to Brandon because I don't understand you at all,"Wyatt said. I smiled. "My true love knows the way to my heart,"I say as I grabbed Brandon's hand. He held my grip tighter. And moved his lips. It looked like he said,"Your all I have,"

Brandon's P.o.v.

"This sight is beautiful,"I say as Callie and I walk on the beach to watch the sunrise. "Brandon,"Callie said. "Yeah,"I said. "Would you ever leave me?", she asked. I paused and started to think. Would I give up The Callie I want for The Callie I can't have? I mean Callie I have is real! And maybe if we talked we could work it out. But that's giving up Callie I want. Callie and I want has everything I want right here I don't need anything else right? Brandon you better get your shit together. Because if you don't you will lose Callie you want along with Callie you can't have. But I can feel Callie I can't have. I feel her presents and her love. I feel HER keeping me alive. Maybe, I'll wait it out. "No, you'll have to kill me in order for me to leave you,"I said. Callie laughed. "Foster your so chessy",

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