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Brandon's P.o.v.

After the fight, Callie and I just relaxed. Mom had Left because something came up at work, and Lena and the twins wanted to go. Then Connor text Jude if he wanted to come over so Jude left which left Callie and I. The sun was going down so Callie and I watched the sunset from the window. Callie laid on my chest. "Brandon?,"Callie asked. "Yes?,"I answered. " I wanted to tell you that, That night when everything went down with Vico I don't know if you know this or not but I came to see you to talk to you about us. But by the time I got there it was already too late! But I don't want to waste anymore Time. Brandon I want to talk about us,"Callie said. I brushed her hair. "Okay,"I said. "Brandon I love you and I want to be with you. But In order for me to give everything up I need to know if you feel the same way,"Callie said. I chuckled. "If I didn't feel the same way would we be here now?,"I asked. Callie laughed. "Brandon there's one more thing,"Callie said. "Yes,"I said. "Wyatt and I tried.... having you know... and I stopped him because it didn't feel right.... because I don't love him,"Callie said. "Well, Callie you know I love you,"I said. "I know...,"Callie said. I moved to face Callie. "Do you .. ?",I asked. "Yes!",She exclaimed. "Callie I don't want our first time together to be rushed, and I sure as hell don't want it to happen on a hospital bed,"I said. "See that's the thing, it will mean more because it wasn't planned and Brandon I have been wanting you for a long time now and I can't wait,"Callie said. I couldn't handle it anymore. I kissed Callie hard.


She kissed back slowly making her way on top of me. I had changed out of the old hospital gown and started wearing my own clothes for about two days now. So at this point my little friend was up and Callie was struggling to un-button my jeans. "Need some help with that?,"I asked as I un-buttoned them. I tugged at Callie's shirt but then stopped because I didn't want to disrespect her. She stopped. "Brandon, you can touch me. It's alright,"She said as she bit her lip which drove me nuts. I instantly got on top of her and looked at her brown eyes. "Callie, babe are you sure your ready?",I asked. "Brandon, I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else, I'm ready and I want you,"She said. I smiled as I un-buttoned her white button up shirt. Then she took off my v- neck. I slowly took off her jeans. Which left us both with just our under clothes on. I starred at Callie. I don't know how long I have been waiting for this and now it's finally Happening. "Your so beautiful Cals,"I said. She smiled. After we took everything off I entered her. It was like magic! After I got out of her she kissed me hard and needy. Then I slowly got off of her and laid down next to her. Then a I pulled the covers over our naked bodies.


"Callie?",I asked. "Yeah?",She said. "I love you,"I said as I pulled her closer. "Not as much as I love you",She said. As soon enough we were both sleep at 5:03 p.m.

~~~~~2 Hours later.

Stef's P.o.v

I couldn't believe this! They got Vico but now he wants to press charges on Callie because she brought him there! This could end up really bad! Like 2 months in jail bad! I walk into the room to see Callie and Brandon laying together closely. Brandon has a huge smile on his face. I walk up to them and shake their shoulders. "Uh?",Brand asked with his eyes still closed. "Can you and Callie come with me?",I asked. Brandon opens both of his eyes. "Umm.... Callie and I are... umm,"He looks at Lena and the twins who are standing behind me. "What?",Mari asked. "Naked,"He whispered. Jesus chuckled. "Brandon gave her that "D",Jesus said with a smile. "Brandon that's really gross like you just came back into the world and you are already having sex?!",Mari says. "Hey, he wasn't the only one, I was there too,"Callie said. "Okay, okay you guys need to get dressed!,"I said. All of us walked out the room. Damn Brandon why couldn't you left in in your pants! Because now Robert wants to sign the papers and Callie might want to get adopted! But I don't want any more stress to be put on Brandon so we'll leave that skeleton in the closet!

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