Going behind bars.

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Wyatt's P.o.v

I can't believe Callie! Everything was going great! But Brandon has to ruin everything! I thought That Vico and I put an END to him, but I guess not! I park my car in the jail parking lot. I get out and walk into the jail. "Who are you here to see?",A lady at the front desk said. "Vico..",I said. "I have been given a order not to let anyone see Vico,"She said. Shit! "Can I just see him for a sec.!",I yell. "Sorry kid,"She said. I walk out pissed! Brandon is always screwing me over!

Brandon's P.o.v

I wake up in my bed to see 4 white walls. "Your awake!",Callie yells as she kisses me. I take my time kissing Callie because who knows this could very well be our last kiss. "Well Mr. Foster good to see you well and alive. That was quite a fall you took , just make sure you stay away from stress,"The Dr. said. "Okay,"I said. Stef and Lena then walk in. "Brandon!",The moms say as they run in my arms. "Mom I'm fine,"I said as I try to get them off of me. "Brandon you have been asleep for a whole week! We all missed you.,"Lena said. "Callie missed you the most,"Jude said. I looked at Callie who was laying next to me on the bed. I grabbed her hand. She put her head on my shoulder. "We brought food, Callie; you get a burger and fries. Jude; you get a turkey sandwich and chips, Mari; a salad Jesus; Del taco Mr.Quinn; a grilled cheese and Brandon; vegetable soup,"Lena said as she handed us each our food. "Moms! I don't want soup!",I exclaimed. "Brandon soup will help you now eat up chum!,"Mom said with a smile. "Oh and Stef and Lena, you didn't have to get me anything,"Dr. said. "No, your Callie's father , and look at the work you did with Brandon it's tge least we could do,"Mom said. I choked on my soup. I looked at Dr. Quinn. "Your Callie's father! you are a son of a bitch! Do you know how long Callie wanted to be adopted! And everything thing she gave up so she could be adopted! Do you know what the Fuck you put me through? Fuck You!,"I yelled. "Brandon,"A voice said. I looked up only to see Wyatt standing there.

Callie's P.o.v

I was some what shocked about all That Brandon said but all of it was true! I gave HIM up! I turned around to see Wyatt standing there! WHAT THE FUCK! IS HE TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE! WHAT DOES HE NOT UNDERSTAND WE ARE DONE! I got up and walked up to Wyatt. "Hey babe!,"Wyatt said. "I'm not your babe!",I said loud enough so Brandon would hear. Wyatt put his lips on mine I pulled off instanly. Then I slapped him. "Get out!",I yelled. Wyatt turned around then turned back around and hit me in the face. I fell to the ground in pain. Next then I knew Jesus and Brandon were beating the crap out of Wyatt. "I DONT EVER WANT TO SEE YOU NEAR MY SISTERS OR MY BROTHERS AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!,"Jesus yelled. "If you ever touch Callie I promise It will be the last thing you do!",Brandon yelled. Then Brandon made his way over to me. "Are you okay?,"He asked with concern in his eyes. Man, I love Brandon. I kissed him hard on the lips! I never wanted him to let go!

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