This City never sleeps at night.

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Callie's P.o.v


It's Monday and it's about 2pm in the afternoon. I left Brandon about 20mins ago, and I'm driving to Anchor Beach. "Callie you know your just like your mom With your plans not telling me a damn thing,"Robert said. "Look just shut up and let me work,"I said. "That is no way to talk to your father!",Robert yelled. "My father! My father where the FUCK have you been!",I yelled. Robert looked at me. I pulled over the car. "Look you don't know WHAT I been through and you can't just come throwing the word "Father" all over the place! I don't know you, Your just the stranger that gave me life,"I said. "Callie tell me what you been through and tell me what we are doing now ...... please!",Robert said. I took a deep breath. "I have to,"I said. "Please,"Robert said. "Okay well, there's the Olmsteads and their son Liam I was put into their house with Jude when I was 14, And I guess you could say I liked Liam. And I guess we started dating. He would hold my hand under the table so his parnets wouldn't see, put chocolate in my backpack so I could think about him at school. It was great ... to feel loved. But Everything good has to come to an end. One night he wanted to take our relationship to the next step but I wasn't ready. But he raped me anyway,"I said looking down. "Callie I'm ..",Robert said. "I know, that guy that you were taking care of is Brandon he was never like that! He REALLY loved me unlike Liam. And I let him go, Eventhough I really loved him, But we couldn't be together because of the foster system! But I don't care anymore as soon as Brandon wakes up, We are gonna get back together, And were we are going we are going meet the guy who put Brandon there, and we are gonna get even,"I said. "Callie I understand why you want to do this but don't throw away your life,"Robert said. "I'm not! Just follow there's a reason why I brought you along,"I said as I got back on the rode and drove.

Brandon's P.o.v

I went downstairs still looking pale praying Callie wouldn't notice. "Hey you,"She said as she walked over to me. She looked at me and dropped my plate. Shit is it that Bad? "Brandon what happened to you are you feeling okay?",Callie said as she put her hand on my forehead. "I'm fine let's do something today,"I said trying to distract her. "Brandon but your .... your so pale,"Callie said as she continued touching my face. "Callie I'm fine I promise,"I said. "Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor it's like I can see right through you,"Callie said as she looked me in the eyes. "Callie I'm fine let's go to the park,"I said. "Okay",She said with a smile. I NEED TO DECIDE!

Callie's P.o.v


I park the car and get out. Robert is following close behind me. I check the time on my watch it's 2:10 everyone should be in 7th period now. GREAT! I walk into the office. "May I help you?",The lady asked. "Yeah, can I see Vico Castro?",I asked. "Sure,"She said. "Okay tell him I'll be waiting outside,"I said. "Okay",she said. Robert and I walked outside. "Here's what your gonna do your gonna inject Vico with a sleep injection as soon as I say "do",I said. "Okay,"he said. Vico then walked out. "Callie! I'm so sorry about Brandon are you okay,"Vico said showing fake consanguinity. "Are you gonna turn yourself in?,"I asked. "Nope,"He said with a smirk. "Then I'll "DO" it for you,"I said. Robert then injected Vico. I watched Vico's eyes slowly close. "Get him in the car,"I said. Robert helped me get him into the car.


3 hours later.

"This is Vico,"I said. "So?",A policeman said. "He commited a crime and I want him in a holding cell for at least 48 hours,"I said. "What crime did he commit?"The cop said. "He beat Stef Foster's son Brandon,"I said . The cop's face grew with anger. "Brandon; Is is he okay?",He asked. "Yeah he's recovering,"I said. "What?",Vico said waking up. "Why am I in a police station?",He asked. "Vico Castro your under arrest!",The cop yelled as he took Vico out of Robert's grab and cuffed him. "Your rights will be read to you at a later time,"The cop said as he took him away. "Yeah!",I said. I was so HAPPY. Finally! "Brandon! It's 5pm and I'm not with Brandon,"I said as I ran out back into the car. And started to drive right back to Brandon. "I'm coming,"I said.

Brandon's P.o.v

"This is really great,"She said. "Anywhere with you is great,"She said. I just smiled as I sat on the grass and put down our picnic basket. "Brandon what's wrong you been quiet,"Callie said as she sat next to me. "Callie I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore,"I said. "What?!",Callie said as she started crying. I looked down. "This is not real! I felt real and this isn't it I'm sorry,"I said. She put my chin up. "Even with you knowing what's true and fake you still chose true eventhough you might give everything up?",She asked. I nodded. "Yes,"I said. Callie smiled. Then she kissed me on the check. "You passed! Good luck Brandon!",She said as she got up. "What?",I said. But she was already gone. Callie I chose the real Callie. Then I opened my eyes. Is this real? I look around and it looks like I've been in a hospital for a while. I sat up everyone's here but Callie! This can't be true. Everyone's sleep so I slowly get up. It hurts because I'm sore but I don't care I want to see Callie.


Callie's P.o.v

I walk into the hospital. The only person I want to see is Brandon I start to walk to his room when I hear a familiar voice. "Callie?",I hear I weak voice say. I turn around. "Brandon?",I asked. I saw him nod. I ran into his arms and tears started rolling down my face. "Callie, don't cry,"He said. That's the kindness I missed. I placed my lips on Brandon's. Our kiss was slow but passionate.

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