The wedding.

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Callie's P.O.V

I asked Wyatt to drive me to Mike's house where Brandon is because I really need to talk to him! I feel like I ruined him. And it's sad because he must HATE me. And on top of all that I wasn't there for him. And I still LOVE him!! And now that Jude's adopted. And I didn't get adopted maybe that's a sign that Brandon and are meant to be. "Are you okay babe?",Wyatt asked. "Yeah,"I said. As Wyatt turns down the street where Mike lives I get more and more anxious. Wyatt parks the car behind Brandon's and I run and get out. I don't see Brandon in his car so I open the door to make sure. I call him to let him know I'm here but no answer. Then I see a trail of blood. I follow it only to see the love of my life. I knew he was beat up inside and now he's beat up outside. "Brandon!",I yelled as Fell to the floor next to him. I saw this body move as if he was trying to talk to me but no answer. "Wyatt!",I yelled. "What?",He yelled back. "I need help!",I yelled. "But I'm playing Candy Crush!",He yelled back. "BRANDON'S LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CANDY CRUSH YOU DUMB ASS!",I yelled really loud. "Fine!",I hear Wyatt say. He walks over to where I'm sitting. In my mind I'm Wondering where did we go wrong. What did we do! "What did you do?",Wyatt asked with a smirk on his face. I start to cry. He thinks I did this and HE'S HAPPY ABOUT IT! "Just help me get him in the car so we can get him help,"I said as I brush my hand through Brandon's hair. The same way I did at the wedding where we had our first kiss.

Brandon's P.O.V

*Beep, beep*, I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. "Brandon Shake a leg! Mom and I need help with the folding chairs",I hear Lena yell. "What?",I think. Yesterday I was on the ground bleeding out! I lift my hand from under the covers and it's perfectly fine. Well my face Vico got my face! I run to the mirror and everything's fine. Is this a. Joke? Is somebody punking me? Because this is not funny this is actually scary! Wait, I think I died. Maybe this is heaven! No, heaven won't be your own life. Because btw god my life is HELL.

I run downstairs. "No, no Stef your not supose to be holding that heavy stuff! You just got out of the hospital",Lena yelled as she took the box away from Mom. "You guys In this house are driving me nuts,"Stef said as she walked away. "Well, if we don't do it who is?",Grandma Stef said. What?! Didn't Mom get shot and come out the hospital a LONG time ago? And why is Grandma Stef here? Oh. My. Fucking. God. They're here for my For my death. They're gonna be R.I.P Brandon signs everywhere! "Good morning!",Callie saids to me and happily. I'm shocked! "Your talking to me now?!",I asked. She smiled as she poured her orange juice. "Why wouldn't I? We are getting Married in a few hours!",She said. "Wait what?",I asked. "Moms moms are letting us?!",I asked. "Yeah! Frank, Grandma Stef and Grandma Lena and the moms Had dinner last night for us telling us how happy they are for us!",Callie said. "I don't remember,"I said. She bites her lip. "Well maybe this kiss will help you remember",She said as she kissed me hard but passionate. This is what I'm missing Callie's love. Hey, I'll go along with this. "Gross! Save it for the wedding!",I Hear Mari say. "Shut up, don't hate,"Jesus said. I smiled. "where were we,"I said. She smiled. She kissed me on the cheek. "The wedding , and you need to go get dressed Mr. because I refuse To get married after sun- down,"Callie said. "Okay,"I said as I when back to my room. Okay maybe this was heaven but I need to find out EVERYTHING that happened in the pass to figure this out. I texted Jesus to meet me in my room. I wait.And wait Until finally Jesus comes into my room. "What's wrong bro?",Jesus asked. "I need you to start from the start on how I meet Callie because I can't remember,"I said. "Okay, well Callie came to our house, you two fell madly in love. You told moms and they were fine with it. So you guys continued dating and now your getting married,"Jesus said. "Okay, well are Jude and Wyatt okay with this?",I asked. "Jude moved in with the Quinn's Callie's father ,but he is coming later for the wedding, and I don't know a Wyatt",Jesus said. "Wyatt , Callie's ex. And Tayla my ex,"I said. "Bro, your a prude you have never been with anybody but Callie , and Callie has never been with anybody either so,"Jesus said. "Liam?",I asked. "Nope,"Jesus said. "Okay,"I said as I rubbed my neck. "Okay bro get dressed,"Jesus said as he walked out the door. I laid back in my bed. THIS IS GREAT!! Everything I wish never happened didn't happen! And everything I wanted to happen is finally HAPPENING! I might never want to wake up at this rate!

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