Ch. 32

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Ginny tried hard to hide how broken she was inside as she passed through the common room. Thankfully, no one else was awake then to see her as the tears streamed down her face and she quickly hid in her dorm, falling back onto her bed. The room filled with the sound of sobbing but she didn't care.

After what felt like hours she finally quieted down, staring up at the canopy of her bed. She just felt empty inside, but it felt like the weight the emptiness was crushing her.

Without thinking, she stood up and grabbed her vodka, walking back out of the dorm and the common room. The portrait shut quietly behind her and she quickly made her way down the stairs, a few stray tears falling down her face. She quickly made her way around the corners, trying to not get caught by anyone until she finally stopped in front of the large empty wall that she knew so well.

She started pacing in front of it, quietly saying, "I need a place to get away...I need a place to get away...I need a place to get away."

A small door slowly materialized on the wall and she quickly opened it, escaping into the room.

Hermione was worried when she realized that Ginny wasn't back in the dorm, but she figured that she was out talking late with Blaise. However, when she saw that Ginny still wasn't back the next morning, she instantly knew something was wrong.

"Seamus, have you seen Ginny?" She asked as she came down to the common room.

He and Dean looked at each other and Seamus turned back, shaking his head. "Not since yesterday. Is she maybe out at the pitch?"

"Maybe..." Hermione thanked them and made her way down to the quidditch pitch.

She looked up at everyone flying around, trying to find the familiar bright red hair, but there was none. Chewing on her lip, she made her way back up to the castle in a hurry, wishing she had Harry's map with her.

Thankfully she ran into Draco as she made it back up to the castle, and as soon as he saw the look on her face he asked, "What's going on?"

"I can't find Ginny," Hermione said quickly. "I don't know if she even came back after rounds last night!"

Draco frowned. "Blaise wasn't in the best mood last night when I came back in."

"Do you think something happened between them?" Hermione asked. "Did he say anything?"

"Didn't say a word, just sat on the couch drinking firewhiskey and staring at the lake." Draco ran a hand through his hair. "He did mutter under his breath though. Something about Potter."

Hermione groaned. "I bet it's about her not breaking it off yet. She's been having troubles doing it and mentioned that he was starting to get impatient."

"That's an understatement," Draco muttered under his breath.

She narrowed her eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

He immediately chastised himself for saying anything and sighed. "He's been...well, let's just say that he's been hiding how he really feels about how she hasn't broken it off yet."

"Okay, you'll have to fill me in on that later," Hermione said quickly, waving him off. "I'm sorry, I have to go make sure Ginny's alright."

"Why are you so worried about her? She could be wanting time to herself right now," Draco asked. "She's a strong girl, she can take care of herself."

"I'm worried because I talked with her yesterday about how hard it was for her to break up with Harry and I have a feeling that's what caused her to disappear," Hermione snapped. "And if Blaise went and said something about it to upset her, she's probably somewhere getting drunk to forget it right now!"

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