Ch. 29

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Hermione could hardly sit through her classes that day. She wanted nothing more than to go and see Draco again now that he was awake, but she would have to wait until lunchtime to do it. Her classes took forever to finish that morning and seemed to drag on forever, and Ginny even noticed how much she was fidgeting.

"Are you going to be like this all day?" Ginny asked with a smirk.

"It's just because he's awake and I want to see him," Hermione answered quietly. "You'd be the same way if it was you and Blaise."

Ginny tilted her head back and forth. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

Her class had finally finished and Hermione said a quick goodbye to Ginny before racing down the corridor towards the Hospital Wing. Ginny shook her head as she watched her friend run away and she turned around to head towards the Great Hall for lunch.

"Hey Red!"

She whirled around to see Blaise leaning against a column a few feet down the corridor, a grin planted on his face. Ginny couldn't help but grin in return, rolling her eyes at the nickname again. She had slowly started liking it, mainly because no one else called her that.

"What do you want, Zabini?" She asked playfully, looking around cautiously as she walked over to him.

"It's alright, no one else is around," He said quietly when she stopped in front of him.

Her smile widened. "Hi Blaise."

"There we go," He chuckled. "I was wanting to know what your lunch plans were."

Ginny's eyebrow arched upwards as she tilted her head away slightly. "Well typically one eats food during lunch."

"Alright, smartass," Blaise laughed. "What I meant was, I found an empty classroom away from everyone; would you like to join me for lunch in there?"

"Really?" She wasn't quite expecting that, and she couldn't help but look around to make sure that no one was around to hear them talk.

He shrugged then. "I mean, you don't have to. I just figured with Hermione seeing Draco in the Hospital Wing, it'd be just you at your table and me with Pansy and Theo, and let me tell you, they are not fun to watch during lunch."

Ginny laughed at that. "I can only imagine. Sure!"

He grinned and led her down the corridor away from the Great Hall. They walked fairly close together, bumping arms every now and then, but he noticed that she wouldn't step away when they passed other students like she normally would and this made him smile even more.

"Where is the classroom?" She asked quietly as they turned a corner.

He nodded ahead of them and said, "It's just up ahead, third door on the right."

They looked around to make sure no one else was able to see them before ducking into the classroom quickly. She smiled as soon as she laid eyes on the picnic that was waiting for her.

"You had this planned out!" She exclaimed, whirling around as he shut the door behind them.

"Of course I did!" He laughed. He pulled her in for a hug before leading her over to the center of the room where he had set up the blanket with all sorts of food on it.

She couldn't stop grinning as she sat down, shaking her head at him. "What's the special occasion?"

"I can't treat you to a cute lunch just because I want to?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I suppose you can," She smiled, feeling her face grow warm.

He laughed. "You're cute when you blush."

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