Ch. 17

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The following Wednesday afternoon, Hermione had off again. She made her way to the library where she was going to meet Pansy for their study session, but a note hitting her in the back of the head caught her attention and she paused to read it.

I promised Theo that I'd watch him at practice today; could we have our study session at the quidditch pitch? I've got blankets there already. –Pansy

Hermione smiled at the note and rolled her eyes, turning around and making her way back to Gryffindor tower to change into something warmer. Not too long after, she was crossing the grounds with her bag over her shoulder, making her way to the quidditch pitch.

Gryffindor's team was just finishing up their practice, and Ginny waved when she saw Hermione climbing the stands. Hermione waved back before making her way over to Pansy, who was huddled slightly under a green and silver blanket with her books in her lap.

"Hey Pans," Hermione greeted cheerfully.

Pansy looked up and grinned. "Hey, sorry about the last minute change but I completely forgot until Theo reminded me."

"It's fine!" Hermione insisted, sitting down next to the Slytherin girl and grabbing a blanket from her bag. "Just no getting distracted by Theo."

Pansy laughed at Hermione's teasing and said, "Oh Merlin, no! He's honestly one of the most boring players on the team."

"What position is he?" Hermione asked curiously, grabbing her own books.

"He's a beater," Pansy said with a shrug. "With Blaise being a chaser and Draco being seeker, he doesn't really do as much."

"Beaters are still somewhat fun to watch," Hermione said.

Almost on cue, the Slytherin team began making their way onto the pitch with their brooms over their shoulders. Hermione almost immediately picked out Draco, which wasn't that hard considering he was one of the taller players. He was talking to Blaise and Theo about something until Theo waved up at Pansy and Hermione, prompting the other two to look up.

Hermione saw Draco smile right before he waved at her, and she felt her chest tighten with excitement as she waved back, smiling. Then she saw Blaise nudge him and say something, causing Draco to glare at the other wizard.

When she looked back at Pansy, she noticed the other girl was giving her a look and she asked, "What?"

"What's that smile for?" Pansy teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Hermione answered quickly before looking down at her book. "He smiled and I smiled back. Friends do that."

"Uh huh," Pansy said skeptically.

As the Slytherin team began to warm up for practice, Hermione and Pansy grew silent as they got lost in their homework. Pansy was working on an assignment for Transfiguration while Hermione had a few essays to write for Potions and Arithmacy.

They both jumped when Ginny suddenly landed next to them, dropping her bag next to Hermione's.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you two!" She laughed as she sat down on the bench in front of them.

"No worries," Pansy nodded. "Thank you for actually showering this time."

Ginny rolled her eyes with a grin. "I didn't want to be attacked by your perfume."

Hermione shook her head at the two of them as Ginny grabbed her own pieces of homework, shivering slightly. "Do you guys have an extra blanket?"

"Sure, here." Pansy reached behind her and pulled a large black blanket out of her bag, handing it to Ginny.

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