Hermione tried her hardest to not let the day's experience get to her, but her friends knew it was still bothering her. They tried to keep her distracted, and Pansy and Ginny eventually succeeded by planning out another vacation once they had all graduated. Draco was grateful for this, because it allowed him to plan out the finishing touches on his plans for the next day.
Blaise, however was skeptical about his friend's plan. "You seriously think McGonagall is going to be alright with this once she finds out?"
"What makes you so certain that she's going to find out?" Draco asked, scowling at Blaise. "The only people who know what is going to happen will be you and Theo."
"The woman is smart, you can't deny that," Theo interjected. "And if the Head Boy and Girl are both missing on an important day, it's going to be noticeable."
"Things will be fine," Draco insisted. "There are twenty-four other prefects in this castle to handle things."
"And you don't think those prefects have plans as well?" Blaise asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I wasn't necessarily referring to you."
Rolling his eyes, Blaise shook his head and sighed. "It's on you, mate. I'm going to try and cover as best I can but you know how intimidating McGonagall is. Plus I have plans of my own with Ginny, so I can't cover for you the entire time."
"I never expected you to," Draco said. "I think we should all be fine though. Because I know Theo has plans with Pansy as well."
Theo grinned and gave his girlfriend a quick glance as he fidgeted with his hands. Draco raised an eyebrow but couldn't hold back a grin as well before looking back at Blaise.
"Things are going to work out just fine, don't worry," Draco said. "I'll cover for you and you cover for me."
"And I'll cover for both of you," Theo grinned.
Blaise shrugged after a few moments. "Alright, deal."
Hermione woke the next morning to a note lazily floating above her head. She stifled a yawn as she reached up to grab it, sitting up against her headboard and opening the note.
Good morning love!
Meet me down by the carriages at a quarter after nine. Wear something nice but comfortable, and bring a coat. Your black peacoat will be fine. Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Draco
She smiled down at the note and folded it back up before gleefully jumping out of her bed and racing towards the bathroom. Ginny was already stirring, and she let out a groan when she heard Hermione get up.
"What's the rush?" She called out sleepily.
Hermione peered around the corner and grinned. "Draco told me to meet him by the carriages in about forty-five minutes."
Ginny grabbed her watch and looked at the time, noticing a note of her own on her nightstand. After reading it quickly, she grinned as well and giggled slightly.
"What's so funny?" Hermione asked from the bathroom.
"I think Blaise is mad that Draco's plans are taking precedence over his," Ginny answered, stretching as she stood up.
"What do you mean?"
Ginny grabbed her note and made her way to the bathroom, handing it over to Hermione. After a few moments Hermione laughed and handed the note back to her friend.

Between Us - Dramione/Blinny
أدب الهواةAs the group of Slytherins sat down, Ginny noticed that Blaise was watching her, and when they made eye contact, he gave her a wink followed by a grin. Ginny felt her face heat up and she looked down at her desk, her brow furrowing. "Everything alri...