Ch. 39

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Neither of the girls expected to receive letters the following Monday morning during mail, but when they saw who the letters were from they both groaned.

"Let me guess," Ginny started, looking up at Hermione. "Yours is from Ron?"

Hermione nodded. "And I'm going to assume yours is from Harry."

"Of course it is." Ginny set the letter down next to her plate and scowled at it. "Two months of no letters, and then he finds out I'm with Blaise and all of a sudden I get one."

Hermione didn't say anything as she picked at the wax seal on the envelope, biting her lip. She really wanted to read the letter right then, but at the same time another part of her wanted to toss it into the large fireplace on the other end of the Hall. She already had a feeling that it was going to be more bashing of Draco, and that definitely wasn't what she wanted to deal with that morning.

She looked over and saw that Ginny was fighting herself too on whether or not to read her own letter. Looking down at her watch, she saw that there was plenty of time to read it and curiosity ended up getting the best of her.

Ripping open the envelope, she saw Ginny eagerly do the same out of the corner of her eye, as if Ginny was waiting for Hermione to start. They both quietly focused on the parchment in their hands for the next few minutes.


I've had a bit of time to think things over after our relatively short meeting Saturday and I wanted to send this out before we left for the Burrow this morning. There's so much I really want to say and I wish we were talking in person but I know you're probably spending every moment studying right now.

I miss you, Hermione. Not talking all these months has made me realize just how incredibly lonely it is without you and I feel like we made a mistake by breaking things off. I really want to give us another chance and I promise I'll make more of an effort to reach out to you more than I was.

If you want to wait until after you're finished with school I completely understand and I'll be here when you're ready. But please just break things off with Malfoy. I still don't honestly believe you two are together but other Gryffindors have confirmed it as well and...come on, 'Mione. You're smarter than that! Why him? And I know Ginny's also with a Slytherin, I'll be having a chat with her later too but you were my priority.

I really hope you write back soon, I do miss you a lot. I even stopped talking to the other girl training with us, she just isn't you.

Love, Ron

P.S.  Harry says he's going to write to you soon as well, and he feels bad for not reaching out sooner.

Hermione glared at the letter and tossed it down onto the table, looking up at Ginny. Ginny's brow was furrowed as her eyes scanned back and forth across the parchment in her hands, and Hermione would hear a soft snort every now and then before Ginny glared up at the ceiling.

"I swear to Merlin..." She muttered before looking back at Hermione and gesturing upwards with the paper. "He waited until finding out I was with Blaise to tell me that he forgives me and wants me back."

Raising an eyebrow, Hermione nodded down to her own letter. "Ron's having a similar reaction to me being with Draco."

"Of course he is." Ginny closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose for a few moments. "Why did I ever think that this year was going to be easy?"

"Because the visible threat is gone," Hermione answered. "And we've always dealt with Harry and Ron being irrational. We'll get past this soon."

"I hope so..."

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