Ch. 26

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Pansy was apprehensive about sitting with the Gryffindors, biting her lip as she looked towards the stands. "I don't know, Hermione..."

"Look, you'll be sitting with me, Seamus, and Luna," Hermione explained gently. "We'll make sure no one bothers you, and if anyone does just let us know and we'll take care of them."

"A lot of them still don't like me," Pansy said.

"It's only been a little over a month since we've came back, they most likely haven't seen how much you've changed yet."

After chewing on her lower lip for a few moments, Pansy sighed and smiled at Hermione. "Alright. It can't be worse than sitting with the other Slytherins anyway."

"That's the spirit," Hermione laughed as she led Pansy towards the other side of the stadium where the Gryffindor section was.

Hermione could still tell that Pansy was nervous, but at the same time she wasn't wearing anything that majorly signaled she was a Slytherin so the only ones that would really recognize her would've been from their year.

Luna and Seamus were already waiting, and Hermione laughed when she saw that Luna was wearing her famous lion head hat, which was getting a lot of terrified and amused looks from the younger students. Seamus raised an eyebrow at Hermione when he realized who was following her, and Hermione simply smiled at him.

"Are we adopting Slytherins now?" He asked in her ear quietly when she sat down next to him with Pansy sitting on her other side next to Luna.

Hermione laughed and said, "She was going to be sitting alone and I didn't want that."

"So yes," Seamus grinned. "Well, I've had some classes with her and she seems much nicer now so as long as you're alright with it."

Pansy and Luna had already struck up a conversation over Luna's hat, and Pansy was fawning over the details of it.

"I've never actually seen it up close," She said in a fascinated tone. "This is absolutely amazing detail!"

"You could wear it if you'd like," Luna said with a small smile. "As light as it is, it is rather difficult to turn my head with it on."

Pansy laughed. "It's alright, I'm rooting for Slytherin so I doubt Theo would appreciate it very much."

"I think Draco and Blaise would find his reaction amusing," Luna said, looking up as the players got into starting positions. "But suit yourself!"

The quaffle was released and the match began, with Gryffindor taking almost immediate possession of the quaffle.

"Oh, I really hope Ginny isn't distracted..." Hermione muttered as she put her hands over her mouth in anticipation.

"Why, what happened?" Pansy asked curiously.

"She got a letter back from Harry this morning," Hermione said, watching Ginny as she raced towards the Slytherin goalposts.

One score later and Hermione was grinning, cheering with the rest of the Gryffindors as Pansy yelled over the noise, "I think she's fine!"

Hermione laughed and bounced up and down as Ginny did a small lap over the Gryffindor section, and Luna's hat roaring added to the noise. Pansy couldn't help but grin at everyone's excitement, finding herself cheering for Ginny with the rest of them.

Draco couldn't help but smile as he watched the small group of them, particularly Hermione. She looked up at him and made eye contact, her grin widening. He gave her a slight wave before reluctantly looking away and returning his focus to the game.

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