Ch. 42

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The rest of the day went by quickly, with most of their afternoon spent in the water with some interludes on the beach. By the time dinner had finished, Hermione was admittedly worn out and barely had energy left, which Draco found somewhat amusing.

"I've never seen you this tired before," He laughed, watching as she fell face-first onto the bed with a groan. "Are you going to be alright?"

"I'm just not used to this much sun," She said as she rolled onto her side to look at him. "I'll be fine though! Just need some sleep."

"Speaking of sleep..." He stood up from the chair he was sitting in and slowly walked towards the bed with his hands in his pockets, giving her a slightly nervous look. "How do you want to do this?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "There's only one bed, Hermione."

It took a moment for her to realize just what he meant exactly, but then her eyes widened. "Oh."


They looked at each other quietly while Hermione chewed on the inside of her cheek, trying to think. "I mean...we've been dating for a few months now...and I think it would be rude to make you sleep anywhere else."

"I just want to make sure you're comfortable," He said. "If you aren't alright with me sleeping in the same bed as you, I want to respect that."

"Draco, it's fine!" She exclaimed, catching them both by surprise.

"Really?" His eyebrows had shot up in shock and he stared at her.

She opened and closed her mouth for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I mean...we're dating. I think it's perfectly fine."

He looked at her for a few moments before grinning. "You haven't shared a bed with anyone before, have you?"

She tossed a pillow at his head which he caught, laughing as she retorted, "I have too!"

"Oh yeah? Who?" He hoped it wasn't Weasley.

She simply grinned and lifted herself off the bed, making her way to the bathroom. "I'm going to go shower!"

"Was it Weasley?" He asked then in a slightly panicked voice.

Hermione only laughed, giving him a smirk before shutting the door to the bathroom. He stared at the door while the nerves set in, but he tried to push any nagging thoughts away while he somewhat patiently waited for her to finish in the bathroom.

By the time he heard the shower cut off, he was already settled on his chosen spot on the left side of the bed. After a few minutes of debating with himself after Hermione had gone into the bathroom, he decided to expand the bed slightly so they both had more room; he knew he moved around a lot at night and he didn't want to take up any more of her space than he already was. He was somewhat nervous as well, though he didn't know why. They were literally just sharing a bed; people in a relationship did that all the time.

The door opened not long after, and he watched Hermione step out with a sigh. "I'm not used to it being so warm."

She leaned forward and flipped her hair over her head to help fluff it out, unaware that Draco was staring at her. When she straightened herself out, she looked at him and saw that his usually pale face was somewhat red.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing, I've just..." He coughed slightly and cleared his throat. "I've just never seen you in pajamas before."

She looked down at her chosen sleepwear: a loose tank top and shorts. "Is it bad? This is what I normally wear to bed."

"No, no! Not bad at all!"

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