Christmas day had arrived. Hermione and Ginny were both surprised at the fact that the other four had opted to not share gifts that year, instead continuing with the time spent on the beach and ending the day with a beautiful dinner outside. Hermione and Ginny were sitting on the beach partly in the water while the others were having a playful fight, with Pansy on Theo's shoulders and Draco on Blaise's while Draco and Pansy tried to knock each other off into the water.
"I have to say," Ginny started quietly, leaning close to Hermione so that the others wouldn't hear. "It feels very odd knowing that we won't be giving any gifts."
"I know," Hermione nodded. "I mean, I don't really mind it but at the same time I'm so used to the large celebrations your family has."
"What are you two muttering about over here?"
They both looked up to see Draco and Blaise wading through the shallow water after losing another fight while Theo ran around triumphantly with Pansy yelling out in happiness on his shoulders.
"We're just talking about how beautiful it is here," Ginny answered quickly, smiling up at Blaise. "I see you lost another fight."
Blaise scowled at her. "It was Draco's fault; he can never win against Pansy."
"She's stronger than she looks!" Draco exclaimed defensively.
Hermione laughed as Draco sat down behind her and pulled her back into him, propping his legs up on either side of her as she leaned back against him with a smile. A yelp out in the distance caught their attention and they saw Theo lean forward, dropping Pansy into the water with a laugh.
"He really likes tossing her into the water," Ginny said.
"Only because he loves picking on her," Blaise laughed as Pansy reemerged from the water. "Trust me, she picks on him just as much."
"I believe it," Hermione said with a smile.
A comfortable silence fell around the group until minutes later when Pansy and Theo made their way up to sit with the others, breathing heavily from chasing each other around.
"What are the four of you doing up here?" Theo exclaimed, looking at them with a grin. "The sun is shining and the water is wonderful!"
"Yes, and we're enjoying both comfortably from right here," Draco answered simply.
Pansy laughed as she sat down on Draco's other side and nudged Hermione's arm. "Everything alright?"
Hermione was caught off guard by the question and nodded quickly. "Of course! Why?"
"Just making sure," Pansy shrugged. "I know this isn't typically how people spend Christmas."
"It's not, but it's just as wonderful," Hermione said with a smile.
Pansy returned her friend's smile as Theo settled behind her and pulled her back against him, kissing the back of her head. The six of them sat in silence for a bit with the only sound being the lull of the water gently rolling onto the beach around them. Hermione closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, smiling to herself. She never once thought that she would be here, leaning against the man she used to hate growing up. Everything was perfect.
"I know I've said it," Ginny started quietly, breaking the silence. "But going back to Hogwarts is going to be so hard after this."
Blaise laughed and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry; after graduation I'll make sure we get an island."
Ginny grinned at that but Pansy leaned forward slightly and asked, "Hey, when are you trying out for the Harpies?"
"Their tryouts are going to be later in the spring," Ginny said. "Before graduation though; they haven't given many details yet but I know that much."

Between Us - Dramione/Blinny
FanfictionAs the group of Slytherins sat down, Ginny noticed that Blaise was watching her, and when they made eye contact, he gave her a wink followed by a grin. Ginny felt her face heat up and she looked down at her desk, her brow furrowing. "Everything alri...