Chapter 1: A Journey's Beginning

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Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Your Last Name
E/C = Your Eye Color
'Italics' = Thoughts
Bold and Italics = Important words
CAPS = Yelling
Name = Telepathic Speaking
Name = Normal Speaking by a person with a name
Nickname = Normal Speaking by a person with a nickname
??? = Unknown                                     
Pov = Point Of View

Y/N Pov

Tears streamed down my face as I held her in my arms. I slowly walked with my boots sinking into the mud. My long hair dripping with water from the heavy rain. My arms violently twitching as I held her in them. I looked at her. Half of her face was burned off. Some of her clothes were ripped off. Her body was almost fully covered with blood.

Despite how much sadness I felt... I managed to smile...

Y/N: We're almost there... You'll be able to rest soon.

...No response. My smile faded before looking forward.  

Timeskip (???)

I woke up in my bed hearing a crash nearby. I didn't care about it, because in my village, roofs of houses tend to fall. The reason for that is: the workers are too lazy to make a stable house. I walked towards the bathroom and turned the sink. I washed my hands as I looked at the mirror. I had a small beard growing and my hair was reaching to my shoulders.

'I should probably cut my hair, maybe shave too...'

I grabbed the scissors and cut my hair. I moved my hair to the side and rose the bangs I had, so I could actually have a good hairstyle going.

I took another look at myself and smiled.

'Jesus, I look awful.'

I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw... I almost had nothing. I picked the only thing there is.

'...Man, I'm poor. I should go get some groceries'

I put the can of soup back in the fridge. Since all of my clothes are dirty from how much I've been training lately... I decided to wear my old blue Gi. I walked outside and took a deep breath of fresh air.

'Nothing better than fresh O2'

You see, where I live is in the middle of nowhere. At first, I lived in a big city in Japan. There were some people I liked...

How I got here? Well... we're not going to talk about that. I followed the path, that I personally made. This path leads to the nearest city.

This path goes through a wasteland. There are many rocks and stones laying around that place. It's the perfect training spot.

I'm the only person training here. I am the strongest person in the village and the strength I have is... well. Let's say I can destroy a house with one punch.

I also know about KI. I can make glowing spheres on my hands that can explode when touching someone... She called them KI blasts. I can even make these spheres stronger, but that consumes too much energy.

Since I'm the strongest... I don't want to hurt anyone, so I found this place.

Suddenly I sensed someone's KI. It felt stronger than mine.

Y/N: That power... there isn't just one, there are more of them!!

I darted my head to find cover. I hid behind, a rock while also hiding my KI.

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