Chapter 15: Unbelievable Strength

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Y/N Pov

Gohan's gaze slowly turned to the blue Cells, especially the one who stabbed me. He took one step forward and vanished. One of the blue Cells blew up when Gohan kicked him in the face. He put his foot down and looked at them again. The blue Cells were twitching and backing away... They were afraid. Gohan dashed to another blue Cell and punched him, blowing him up, leaving only a blue smoke. His strength was so powerful, he can one-shot these bastards, when I was barely keeping up with then.


I smiled knowing how strong he has grown. Gohan noticed this because he turned around to look at me. His expression turned from angry to sad. I raised my hand and made a thumbs up. He slightly smiled, but the smile was cut short when a blue Cell kicked him from the back. Gohan didn't even flinch. He grabbed the Cell behind him and slammed him on the ground making him explode. Blue Cells are basically balloons compared to him. There were only 4 of them now. 

They flew back and charged a Kamehameha. Gohan's expression turned into a serious one. When they fired, Gohan shouted making KI burst out of him. Their Kamehameha has evaporated from how much KI Gohan is expanding. The blue Cells feared this and tried to fly away, but Gohan's KI was following them. When they touched it they immediately exploded. My jaw dropped, as I saw the blue Cells explode. Cell looked in horror at what he saw.


Now there was only one enemy remaining. Gohan slowly approached Cell, as he was backing away. They were now a foot away from each other. Cell grit his teeth and yelled.

Cell: You think you are stronger than me just because you have grown more hair.

Gohan in a blink of an eye punched Cell in the stomach. Cell backed away and held him mouth. He started coughing a lot of blood. Gohan swiped the Senzu bean bag out of his hand and teleported to me. He crouched and put a bean in my mouth. I ate it and felt all of my wounds heal. I moved my shoulder to make it straight. Gohan smiled looking at me and gave me the bag.

Gohan: I think you know what to do with this.

I raised my hand and patted his head. Gohan's smile grew wider, but turned into a serious one when he turned around to face Cell. I smirked and flew to Goki since I want her to be healed first. I landed in front of her, she was still awake, so I wanted to mess with her. I took a bean and held it near her mouth.

Y/N: Say ahhhhh...

I said opening my mouth. She looked at me with a blush, but opened her mouth. I placed the bean in her mouth, but as I was gonna pull back she bit my finger playfully. She soon let go and stood up fully recovered.

Goki: You like to tease don't ya~.

Y/N: Only on rare occasions, yes. 

She nodded as I went to give everyone else a bean. They all got up. We grouped up to see Gohan facing Cell.

Goki: I knew he could do it.

Piccolo: So, what should we call this transformation?

Y/N: Well its way stronger than a Super Saiyan.

Goki: How about Super Saiyan 2.

We all nodded except for Vegeta. He was specifically looking at me with interest. Trunksa did also. I turned to them and said.

Y/N: Why are you staring at me for?

Trunksa: You entered that transformation again in a split second.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Where stories live. Discover now