Chapter 22: Goki vs Vegeta

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Goki Pov

Vegeta: You both DISGUST me!!

I backed away after he kicked me in the gut. I raised my arm and blasted him. It caused a big smoke to form of which he took advantage. He charged at me and tackled me to the ground. He was now siting on me with raised fists. He proceeded by punching me in the face.

Vegeta: You took away my pride! I was a saiyan elite until you and Y/N showed up!

I tried my best to block the punches coming for me as I looked for an opening.

Vegeta: Now if you die, I can take my pride back and destroy this pitiful planet like I was supposed to!

I grabed his hands and headbutted him in the nose making him stumble. I took my chance and threw him into a nearby rock. I charged and fired a kamehameha at him. He grunted in pain as he got out of the rubble. I dashed towards him and kicked him in the ribs.

 Vegeta grabed me by the collar and blasted me in the face. He then grabed me by the head and continued by slaming me in the ground. Everytime I had contact with the ground a small crack was heard. I yelled in pain. I opened my mouth and bit his arm which caused it to bleed. He yelled in pain and said.

Vegeta: AHHH, you filthy animal!

He threw me away and held his arm.

Goki: Vegeta, you need to fight Babidi's magic. 

Vegeta responded with a smile only a mother could love.

Vegeta responded with a smile only a mother could love

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Vegeta: Babidi revived the real me. The Saiyan prince, the Saiyan elite I was destined to be. He gave me the power to destroy you and the earthling.

I was shocked, that he wanted this.

Goki: You let him control you...Even after all we've been through, you are still the same old savage who wants blood on his hands.

Vegeta growled at me and  charged a blast in his hand. He launched the blast. I placed my index and middle finger on my forehead and teleported beside him. I punched him in the jaw so hard that it bent a little. My strike made him fly to the ground. He was rolling and bumping when he slid on the ground. When he came to a stop, he stood up and said.

Vegeta: Not gonna lie....that hurt.

He said while he adjusted his jaw straight.

Vegeta: I sometimes wonder, why do you even love such a bastard. An earthling that is just a disappointment.

I reacted by teleporting in front of him and punching him. I made the punch head downwards so he could fall. I stomped on him repeadetly causing him to cough up blood.

Goki: Don't you dare speak about him like that!

Vegeta: How I will *cough* tear his insides apart, his screams will fill my ears with joy.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Where stories live. Discover now