Chapter 23: "I'm proud of you"

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Y/N Pov

Bardock: For the last part of your training you will fight me while using our power.

Y/N: Ok, but I need to sleep now. These past hours were exhausting.

Bardock: Alright. I will wait.

I imagined a bed and jumped on it. I tossed the blanket over me and slept.


The Sun was shining brightly. The temperature was perfect. The flowers around me smelled nice. I was still nervous about what is waiting for me. I decided to just lay down and don't think about anything.

Y/N: This is nice. I might have some time here to relax.

I heard footsteps coming to me. The shadow of the figure looked familiar. I turned around so now my back was facing it.

Y/N: Leave me alone.

???: What? Not gonna let me sleep with ya kid?

Y/N: Who are you.

???: It has been many years since we seperated, right Y/N?

The voice sounds  feminine and.....calming.

???: These flowers smell nice.

She said while picking flowers.

???: Do you remember how you tried so hard to find a rose? Eventually you did. You used so much time to find one and give it to me.

'No......Don't listen. Don't listen. Don't listen.'

???: Remember those hugs you gave me? Hugging my leg when you were small and fully bear hugging me when you were fourteen. I miss them sometimes.

'Don't give in. Don't give in. She's not real. This is just a dream.'

???: Remember how you won that tournament? All those participants who had powers and you are the only one who didn't. Me and Maria were the only one's cheering you on. 

'Just go away.'

???: First match Y/N vs Jason.

I heard her footsteps coming closer.

???: Second match Y/N vs Michael.

'Leave me alone.' My eyes slowly teared up.

???: Final match Y/N vs Mana.

'Please stop.'

???: "Y/N wins by Knock Out" the announcer said. 

Y/N: Lea-

???: Look at me.

I moved my arms to my eyes so I couldn't see.

???: Y/N, please.

I took deep breaths as I turned around. Hands grabed mine, removing them from my face.

???: There we go.

She had red hair and yellow eyes. Her skin was fair. Her beautiful figure was now in front of me. She was wearing her hero outfit. Tears fell like a waterfall down my cheeks.

???: Oh, Y/N. I thought you said you won't cry again. 

She said while wiping away my tears. I immediatly hugged her.

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