Y/N Pov
While Goki was having a beam clash with Zamasu, I used the small time to gather everyone in this building and think of a plan. Vegeta is immobile, Trunksa is injured and I can barely move. We are at a huge disenvantage. Goki always brings Senzu Beans with her, she surely has enough to heal everybody.
'I just hope that she hasn't forgotten about them.'
I sent Mai and Trunksa to evacuate the underground and lead them as far away as possible. I don't want to risk lives while Zamasu is around.
Gowasu pointed out something that really helps us with our situation. He said that Zamasu was never promoted to a God. So their fusion lasts an hour. Our primary objective is to wait for the hour to pass. Yes, we can't simply just wait for an hour to go by, he'll find us and kill us. We need a way to fight back with the same power as his.
I told Gowasu and Supreme Kai that they aren't needed in this battle. So they teleported to their respectful worlds.
Timeskip (2 Minutes)
Y/N: And that's Potara Fusion...
I said with my barely open eyes. I was really tired. While I was helping out Goki with her beam clash. The flame took me over and... I think I accidentaly triggered my Future Vision. I saw a blue haired man fighting Zamasu. He had to have Super Saiyan Blue since the same aura was soaring around him.
I'm really starting to hate these sudden visions. It's a lot better when you know what you are looking at than not knowing. I don't know if these visions give me warnings for a better future or worse. Bardock told me that our Future Vision is getting more connected with the timeline and that's why I have these visions... It sucks.
Goki: Wait... So you are telling us that once we merge our bodies together we'll become a warrior stronger than both of us?
I nodded. She grabbed her head in panic.
Goki: Oh God! I read those novels where two people get stuck together forever! I have so much to do... And if I fuse does it have to be with Vegeta, why can't it be you?
She pointed at me. Vegeta glared at her with his arms crossed.
Vegeta: Don't you dare think I'm gaining any form excitement by fusing with you. I would rather burn in hell for all eternity than doing that.
I shot a quick glare to Vegeta then turned to Goki.
Y/N: You are right to think the fusion would be stronger with me. You have your Super Saiyan Blue and I have my flame. I can't think how strong it would be... But the flame is a problem.
Goki: How so?
Y/N: It takes me a lot to get angry, and if we want the full capacity of the flame I have to become as angry as a bull. And my flame is halfed so it can't go to it's biggest extent. Besides, God KI is a direct counter to the flame. I wouldn't be surprised if he put out the flame with a single punch.
A frown was growing on her face. I can't blame her. If I was in this situation I would most likely choose to fuse with her rather than Vegeta... But we have to get the strongest possible fusion.
I gently grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes.
Y/N: You and Vegeta both have Super Saiyan Blue. Imagine the power of two Super Saiyan Blue's combined. You can instantly activate it, whereas it takes me time to reach my limits. And the combination of your personalities will be great.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)
AdventureYou are an Earthling with unknown potential for power. All your life, you were training... fighting in tournaments. After what happened... You lived alone in a house inside the village that's located in the middle of nowhere. After years of loneline...