Chapter 41: The Assassin

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Champa Pov

I stared in shock at the burned foot print on Frost's chest. He also had a big bruise on his stomach. And if you're wondering. Yes. He's knocked out. I slowly moved my attention at... Y/N? I think that's his name.

He had his arms crossed as that Saiyan Goki kept asking him questions... Now that I remember, he's that brat who didn't want to eat that egg. I'm curious of him. My brother said he's just an Earthling, but they can't be stronger than Frost's race... And that aura... It reminds me of those monsters...

Champa: Vados?

Vados: Yes, Champa?

Champa: Tell me everything you know about Y/N.

I looked at the arena. The announcer was still trying to clean up the burned footprints Y/N left after he won... If he really IS a Titan... Why didn't my brother nor his servant kill him?

Y/N Pov


A blue aura engulfed Vegeta as his body shined in white. Everyone except for Goki and I, were staring in awe at his Godly transformation. The white light rose in broken shards from his body. He had a smirk as his hair and eyes glew in blue.

Vegeta: This is Super Saiyan Blue.

Cabba: S-Super Saiyan... blue?

Cabba had a shocked look on his face. Can't blame him, I had the same reaction when I first saw it... I'm very happy for both Goki and Vegeta. They have come a long way to reach this point.

Vegeta dashed in blinding speeds and rammed his fist into Cabba's stomach. Especially for Vegeta... Even if he is brutal when it comes to fighting... I'm proud to know that he shows his family more love now

Cabba turned back to his base form and collapsed on his face. The announcer checked his pulse.

Announcer: Vegeta wins!

Now there is just one more fighter... the assassin...

I looked at him... his eyes were closed with his hands in his pockets. His KI felt normal... mostly.

Announcer: Next up, Y/N vs Hit. Please come down!

I was about to stand up until I felt a grip on my wrist and a hand on my nape. I turned my head to feel a pair of lips on my own. I immediatly returned the kiss whilst wrapping my arms around her waist.

We parted. She had a small smile on her face.

Goki: Goodluck on your next battle.

I nodded with a bigger smile than her's.

Y/N: Don't worry. Our planet won't end up in the hands of a fat Beerus.

She snickered.

I let go of her as she did so. I vaulted over the edge and landed on the arena. My face full of happiness turned into a serious one.

Bardock: Want me to help?

Y/N: ...I want to fight without anyone's help this time.

I slowly stood up as I kept my glare on Hit. The first and only time I've seen him kill... The person just collapsed... with some sort of purple laser coming out of their back.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Where stories live. Discover now