Chapters that have dots in between numbers are chapters that include ONLY Goki and Y/N... Enjoy!
Y/N Pov
After the encounter with Trunksa, me and Goki have been training everyday. I wanted for us to do something else than train, like a date. I was siting on a bench with Gohan having a conversation. Goki was at King Kai's planet training.
Y/N: So Gohan, what do you want to be in the future?
Gohan: I want to be a great scholar, but when bad people come I want to protect them.
I smiled at his answer before he asked me a really embarrassing question.
Gohan: So Y/N, when did you and mom become a thing?
He asked me while grinning. I blushed and started stuttering.
Y/N: W-Well we b-became a thing while we were training.
Gohan: But how did it happen?
Y/N: Well, we just kept training until she kissed me. And to be real with you I had a crush on her but I didn't expect for her to kiss me!
Gohan: So does that mean you are going to be my dad?
I went wide eyed. I didn't have a answer for such a question. In that moment Goki appeared with her so called "Instant Transmission", thank god she came. My thoughts were cut when she said.
Goki: Oh, he will be~
I was blushing all over the place when she said that. I tried to bolt out of there but she pined me on the bench. Luckily no one was around passing by to stare at us. She was inches away from my face.
Goki: Gohan why don't you go and do some homework or something.
Gohan happily nodded running to the house. I was alone with Goki who had eyes full of lust. She leaned on me kissing me passionately. I kissed her back until I felt her hand touching my crotch. I prevented her desires by blasting the bench leaving me an opening. I ran for dear life until she appeared in front of me. I tried to sweep her by going left and right. She fell for it by going left and I bolted right. I stupidly ran into an alleyway in the city leading to dead end. I turned around seeing Goki.
Goki: Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
She said while slowly walking towards me swaying her hips.
Y/N: Goki lets talk about this.
Goki: There is nothing to talk about.
She said that with a big grin.
Y/N: Lets just go on a date or something. It is to soon for this.
Goki stopped in her tracks inches away from me. She kissed my cheek and started walking away.
Goki: Alright we can meet at the park in 10 PM.
She flew away waving her hand. I didn't know what to do at the time so I just went somewhere and trained.
I looked at my phone and noticed that it was 9 PM. I went back to my old village and put on a jacket with a shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. I flew towards the park and sat on a bench waiting for her. What I didn't know is that I drifted into sleep. I saw a figure in green armor with a red bandana over his forehead. He had a hairstyle identical to Goki's. He had a scar on his cheek.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)
AdventureYou are an Earthling with unknown potential for power. All your life, you were training... fighting in tournaments. After what happened... You lived alone in a house inside the village that's located in the middle of nowhere. After years of loneline...