This Is The End

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Hey it's been a while. A little over 3 months apparently. 

The last time I posted something was when I announced that school is keeping me from finishing this book... That was a lie.

The truth is, ever since I posted the first chapter my passion for writing became duller. Every time I sit in front of my desk I hesitated to write anything... And... I'm happy I finally stopped.

I've started to cringe whenever I read my book. Like, how the hell drove me to write this. Why did I waste so many hours of my life to write this degenerate book. How did this get so popular. 

During those three months I've considered deleting this book and my account just so I can get away from ending this book. I feared I was going to get harassed for not keeping my word. Now I don't fear anything, because you are not that type of person to do such a thing.

I'm here to type, this is the end of the looooooooooong book I wrote. Many of your comments made me laugh, made me blush and motivated me to keep writing. It's been 2 years since I started writing and I've learned a lot about the English vocabulary. 

I'm not going to delete my account or this book. I'm still going to be on the platform reading books, commenting on them and just having a good time. If you have any questions to ask I'll reply to every single one of them.

Have a great day.


Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Where stories live. Discover now