n i n e t e e n

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ωнєи ιτ ωαѕ ℓυиϲн ϐяєακ, Jihoon spotted Soonyoung by the lockers, stuffing things inside then looking at a picture by his locker door, noticing a smile on the taller's face.

He walked up to him slowly, ready to surprise him when Soonyoung turned around all of a sudden and slammed him to the metal door next to him. Soonyoung had a smirk on while Jihoon stared at him in shock.

"Gotcha." He whispered and Jihoon blushed at the husky tone of his voice. He finally took notice of the stares they're receiving and pushed Soonyoung off him. He swatted away invisible lints off his uniform as he looked at the older's chest, too embarrassed to look at his face.

"How'd you know I was there?"

"I dunno. Maybe it's a soulmate thing to feel the other's presence."

"Well, that's ridiculous." Jihoon replied, now interested in arranging his hair than staring at the other. Silence took them over and Jihoon thought of a way to break the quietness.

The flower. Of course he should thank him for that! How could he forget? He turned to talk to his soulmate but he beat him to that. "So... what do you think of the flowers?"

"Hmm?" Jihoon was surprised.

"You know? The carnations in your locker?" Soonyoung looked nervous. He was looking down, avoiding his gaze, and Jihoon thought he looked cute whenever he's uncomfortable around him. He smiled softly and replied. "It was pre—"

"He loved them." A certain tall man swooped in their conversation, placing an elbow on top of Jihoon's head. Wow, he's brave.

"He was smiling again and smelling it all the time, saying he loves it and said he was going to tell you his unconditional love this lunch!" Mingyu said dramatically, placing the back of his hand on his forehead and tilting his head back, acting like a damsel in distress.

"'Oh, my! Soonyoung is really such a gentleman! I can't wait for him to ask me out! Then propose to me! And then have childre—' OW!" Mingyu yelped as the smaller version of Satan hit him on his chest, hard. Minghao came into view and smacked Mingyu's head, to which the taller glared at.

"But he really liked the flowers. Right, hyung?" Minghao teased Jihoon, wiggling his eyebrows at him and Jihoon's cheeks heat up, looking away from his embarrassing dongsaengs.

"Fuck off."

They heard a small chuckle in front of them and they turned to Soonyoung who smiled back at his soulmate. "I'm glad you liked it. And, uh... I actually need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" Soonyoung was scratching his head and he looked up to Minghao and Mingyu, who were waiting patiently for him to continue.

"In privacy?"

"Privacy? What is privacy?" Mingyu exclaimed, looking accused as he held his chest dramatically, again.

"Don't worry, hyung. We won't mind. Even if you get on one knee and propose to Jihoon-hyung already, we wouldn't mind at all. In fact, we'll support you!" Jihoon glared at Minghao who stuck out his tongue playfully while Soonyoung giggled.

"That would be nice. But I'm afraid marriage has to wait for now." Soonyoung winked at Minghao and he erupted into his cute, tiny giggles which was contagious as Mingyu and Soonyoung joined in. Jihoon wasn't having none of it.

"What is it, Soon? Shoot." Soonyoung stopped laughing and looked at Jihoon again, nervous once again. He sighed. "My mom found out I met my soulmate already and was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner this Friday?" Soonyoung sounded unsure himself and Jihoon's heart was beating fast in his chest. His mom? Wants to meet him? He felt cold sweats on his forehead.

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