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Jιнοοи ∂ι∂и'τ κиοω ωнατ нαρρєиє∂, but he found himself holding his boyfriend's vest in his hands while watching Soonyoung and Yena send each other a challenging smirk as the screen in front of them counted down from three...

"You can do it, Yena!" Yuri cheered as Yena bit her lip in anticipation, a sole cold sweat rolling down her face. She broke her eye contact with Soonyoung and averted her gaze towards the screen in front of her instead.


Soonyoung untied his tie around his neck and threw it over Jihoon, who yelped when it landed on his face and glared daggers at the back of his soulmate's head. But Soonyoung didn't even give him a glance as he grinned in excitement, clenching and unclenching his hands.


They readied their position as it started.


Suddenly, there were a variety of arrows that's made their way to the screen and the duo tentatively followed the directions but got the hang of it easily, the word PERFECT! always popping out every now and then as their feet were a jumble following the arrows.

Now Jihoon remembered why they were here in the first place. He remembered now that they were in the middle of a heated battle in a two-player game (which Soonyoung begrudgingly lost at. Honestly, Jihoon thinks that Soonyoung might be doing it on purpose considering that it's his birthday, after all. He always loses in every games they play!) when they bumped into Yena and Yuri again and they happened to be just beside the Dance Dance Revolution machine.

Yena, being the hyper girl she is, immediately challenged the couple into a match of dancing (to which Jihoon actually felt pity to the other. Jihoon may always be making songs and singing and whatever, but it doesn't mean he's not good at dancing. He's actually pretty proud of it, actually. And Soonyoung is a fucking dance machine.) and Soonyoung, not one to back down a challenge, accepted quickly without  any second thoughts.

And here he was, holding Soonyoung's vest and his tie while watching him being a mess with Yena, stomping hard on the tiles beneath their feet as they danced in sync with the song that's playing from the machine.

Jihoon was sure that Soonyoung would win even before their little challenge had even begun (with dancing being Soonyoung's specialty), but it seems like the little girl, Yena, has dancing as one of her talents as well as she smoothly followed the arrows with ease and even had time to give her girlfriend a wink. Yuri flushed.

Jihoon found the couple adorable since he sees him and Soonyoung in them. Yena being the bold and happy-go-lucky type of person, matching Soonyoung while Yuri was the shy one, reminding him of himself. It's as if they were the female version of them (Soonyoung and Jihoon).

It seems like the match between Soonyoung and Yena is getting intense as the arrows came in in a fast pace that even Soonyoung had a hard time to catch up. People were starting to gather around them, noticing the intense heat between the two players in the Dance Dance Revolution and were amazed by the two amazing dancers.

Some people were even betting, pretty confident that their chosen person would win while the others took out their phones to take a picture or record the whole thing. Jihoon felt uncomfortable as a few were bumping into him and he had to tilt down his head to avoid getting hit by their arms for taking a video.

"Hey! I know that guy! He goes to dance classes with me every Sunday!" one exclaimed from the back and earned a few ears as they started chattering.

"Seriously? No wonder he's so amazing dancing!"

"He can totally move his body!"

"I wonder if he's single..." Jihoon whipped his head to send a glare towards the lady who was giggling with her friend. The girl seemed to notice him staring as she raised an eyebrow over him and dissed. "What'cha looking at, shortie?"

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