s e v e n t y - t h r e e

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What's happening?

Why is the world spinning?

Why am I feeling so dizzy?

Why is he so far away?

Why is my head throbbing?

What is going on with m—



Jihoon didn't know the direction he took. He just turned left and right that it confused him as well. He bumped into a few people, but he hadn't had enough time to apologize as he was trying to lose his chaser.

When he turned around to look behind him, he was confused.

Why did it seem like Soonyoung was slowing down? Or was he going too fast? That sounds to impossible to be true. Nevertheless, he took this to his advantage and ran again.

But when he turned another corner, he bumped into a person too tall and too broad that he was knocked down on his arse, scrapping the heels of his palms on the ground. Jihoon could feel blood oozing out of the small cuts but he couldn't feel them.

Maybe it was because of the adrenaline that's making him numb to every pain that courses to his body.

"Are you alright?" Jihoon looked up to see a stranger extending his hand to him but Jihoon didn't need any help.

"I can stand on my own." He snapped, slapping the hand away and standing on his own. He winced when he finally felt the cuts in his hands and looked at them. They were nothing serious. It was fine. They would heal in a matter of days. He'll be fine.

He'll be fine.

He'll be fine—"oh, my god!"

Jihoon whipped his head behind him, only to see a woman, a hand on her lips.

"Is he alright?" Jihoon was confused when the woman rushed over to the crowd that just formed by the corner.

"What happened to him?"

"Is there a doctor in here?!"

"Is he having a fever?"

"We need help!"

"Do we need an ambulance?!"

"Does someone know who this young man is?!"

Somehow, Jihoon felt a thug in his chest, like it's telling him to go look what's going on. But Jihoon had a feeling he knew what it was already.

But even though he had that in mind, he still walked over to the crowd, squeezing his way through only to see a familiar person lying on the ground, shaking and sweating, panting for air as if he found it difficult to breathe and it was scaring Jihoon he didn't know what to do.



Soonyoung woke up one time to see light blinding him. He was very torpid and his senses weren't functioning completely. He didn't know where he was.

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