t h i r t y - f o u r

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okay, so i've fallen ill and i'm in school and we will have a fucking quiz and i keep coughing and it hurts but i've already written this chapter a long time ago so... yeah.


Jοѕнυα ωαѕ ѕυяρяιѕє∂. That was a fact. He didn't expect this to suddenly happen out of nowhere. But then, life has full of surprises. He should have seen this coming.

But meeting his soulmate? Now that was something he wouldn't have seen coming.

Well, he did want to meet his soulmate. He really would love to meet the person he was destined to spend the rest of his life with.

But Seokmin? Sure, he's cute. He's also very funny all the time and is always giving everyone a sense of somewhat home. Or is it just him?

Nevertheless, he did not expect himself to be matched with the younger at all. He's so happy and loud and always had tons of people left and right wanting to talk to him. Heck, he even expected the other to have a soulmate already.

And him. Jisoo was only a plain boring man who plays the guitar as a hobby and is the quiet person that's always by himself in a corner. Jisoo thought he didn't deserve Seokmin.

Seokmin deserved better than him. Sure, Jisoo would love to be with his love forever, but Seokmin was just different from him.

He deserves someone better than me.

Jisoo wanted to speak, to tell the younger that this was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened. But then Seokmin started tearing up. Jisoo froze.

Crying? Is he actually crying?

"H-Hey! Wh-what's wrong?" Jisoo asked awkwardly, scratching his scalp out of reflex. He somehow always find himself scratch his head when he's nervous. Seokmin only cried harder and was emitting loud sobs and sniffs.

Jisoo and Hansol were looking at each other in perplexity and Jisoo approached the taller in caution, like he was trying to check on a crying child. Well, Seokmin is a child in his eyes, and he finds the male endearing. Tears weren't meant for him at all.

"Hey, Seokmin-ah? Are you okay?" Jisoo reached for Seokmin's hands, which were covering his crying face, and pulled them away, watching as Seokmin quickly turned away, sobbing.

Everyone had quickly gathered around the duo and the Christian couldn't help but feel awkward about their situation. But he focused on Seokmin. He eyed the younger as the other tried desperately to hide his face, but somehow, he wasn't able to pull his hands away from Jisoo. And Jisoo's only holding his hand lightly!

He must be really weak right now...

"Please don't l-look at me..."

"Why not?"

"I look ugly..." Jisoo was taken aback from the answer. He didn't expect for the younger to drop his self-esteem to him so quickly. One minute he was all happy-go-lucky then the next, he was already a mess. Jisoo frowned in concern and cupped his face in his hands, forcing Seokmin to look at him.

"What do you mean ugly? Seokmin-ah, you look pretty—no... you look beautiful, Seokmin-ah. So don't degrade yourself like that, because you're more than what you are thinking, Seokmin-ah. You're outstanding." Jisoo confronted, staring intently into Seokmin's eyes and the taller was only nodding, looking down.

When their eyes met again, Jisoo felt a weird feeling stirring inside him and he felt different. In a good way. And he smiled from the feeling of it.

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