s i x t y - s e v e n

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It was one of those days where Minghao and Mingyu managed to get Jihoon out of his room and let the light in in his messy room once again.

Jihoon was sitting on the couch, his knees up his chest and arms wrapped around his legs. He was watching aimlessly to the commercials that never seem to end in the television, the other two young occupants of the house preparing for dinner.

It was a Saturday night time and Jihoon had been stuck in his room for a week now. He wasn't present for the whole week in school and had refused to work for their shift in the Pledis Café.

Bumzu had completely understood Jihoon's situation since he, too, felt the lost of his soulmate. Ever since Minghao had told Bumzu of what happened, Bumzu had sworn to himself to never let anyone else into Jihoon's life that he found dangerous for the other's feelings. Especially Soonyoung.

The whole week Jihoon was cooped up in his small dark room, Mingyu and Minghao would pass by and hear a distinct sob that would crush their hearts immediately. They couldn't stand that feeling of pity and remorse whenever they're in the house.

Most nights, they'd hear the smaller crying his heart out when Jihoon thought no one would be able to hear him.

Minghao and Mingyu have dark bags under their eyes since they couldn't find the sleep they needed when they hear their hyung suffering in the other room. Jihoon has also been refusing to eat, which resulted to him losing weight, looking so thin and fragile now. He doesn't look like Jihoon at all.

"Drink up, hyung."

Jihoon glanced up from his knees and eyed the pink mug that was in Mingyu's hands. He could smell the scent of his favorite coffee wafting from it. Usually, he's drink it up quickly just from the intoxicating smell, but he was feeling sour and couldn't find it to himself to drink, so he looked back down to the television, ignoring Mingyu.

The smile that Mingyu managed to show dropped and his shoulders sunk, his mood dropping as well.

He sighed as he placed down the mug of coffee on the coffee table and sat down beside him, figuring that the coffee trick wouldn't work to cheer him up anymore. So he settled to leaning his head to Jihoon's shoulder, finding it difficult for their height differences but still managed and wrapped his long arms around Jihoon's petite body, pulling him into his welcoming chest.

Jihoon didn't pull away. He didn't find the energy to. So he decided to snuggle in and continue watching the music show in the television, a newly debuted group called Stray Kids performing.

In the comfortable silence, a couple of knocks erupted, disturbing the sleep that Jihoon almost fell into and Minghao rushed out of the kitchen, catching the two on the couch and smiled fondly at them.

Then, the front door was opened and Jihoon could decipher Minghao speaking with two ladies guessing from the voices.

"Who's there?" Jihoon croaked out, voice hoarse. Mingyu tensed up from his voice but relaxed again as he slightly pulled away from him and watched as Jihoon turned to look up to their unexpected (well, maybe to Jihoon. Mingyu and Minghao must have known) guests and immediately glared at them.

"What do you want?" he snarled as the two girls walked into their home with Minghao accompanying them. Minghao sent him an apologetic smile when Jihoon diverted his glare from the girls to Minghao.

"Hey, Jihoon. I know this is a bad time but..." Momo started, nudging Tzuyu beside him who was looking down on her shoes, looking like she's ashamed. For someone who's tall and confident, it was surprising to see her looking small and embarrassed for once.

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