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December 31st. That was the day marked for Soonyoung to be wedded. And to think that that was tomorrow was making Soonyoung even more exhausted even after his father let him take a one-day rest from work since his marriage was coming in fast.

Soonyoung sat alone in the dining table, workers coming in and go with what felt like minutes. Soonyoung was staring dazedly at his plate, the freshly cooked meal looking unappetizing for the half-Korean.

He picked on his food, the fork dropping from his hand from his loose grip but he didn't even bother picking it up. His hand just dropped with the fork, staring out at the now gray sky.

He felt lonely in the big house. He used to dream as a kid to have this kind of mansion. But now, he doesn't even know why his past self would die for such place even.

So what if you have a big house to stay in? What's the point of it if you don't even have someone with you? Someone to accompany you?

Usually, Soonyoung would wake up with his mother shaking him awake. Now, he'll be awoken by an annoying beeping sound from his alarm even single day.

Usually, Soonyoung would be sitting down on a meal together with his mother, having a conversation with her and fill the air with loud laughter. Now, he was sitting alone, the food prepared for him not as tasty as his mother makes and no one to talk to.

Usually, when Soonyoung had no school, he'd sometimes go out with a few friends or stay with his mom and play a few board games with her. Now, he was caged in in the mansion with nothing else to do but to watch television or read books that's all about business managing. He wasn't even allowed to talk to the workers because they were ordered not to.

He missed Korea. Japan would have been great, if he wasn't in such circumstances right now.

Soonyoung sighed before pushing his untouched plate away from him and standing up, the chair making a screeching sound on the tiled floor before he walked away to maybe watch a few movies.

Might as well watch something fun before he has to face his doom tomorrow morning.

Soonyoung sat on the couch and turned the flat screen on.

Detective Pikachu would be a good pick.

"Hey," Soonyoung was surprised to hear someone speak Korean out of the blue. He was so used hearing Japanese everywhere he goes that hearing Korean is a shock but nevertheless relieving.

Only he and his father could speak Korean, but this one's voice sounded younger and definitely not raspy like his father have. When he looked up, he was met up with his half-brother, Sora, standing awkwardly behind the couch with an equally awkward smile. Soonyoung lifted a brow at him.

"You speak Korean?"

"Kind of. I've been learning for the past few years."

Soonyoung hummed as he grabbed hold of the remote and went to Netflix. There was a moment of silence before his brother spoke again.

"Can I talk to you?"

"You are talking to me."

"I mean like talk about something important."

Soonyoung turned to look up at him again, his eyebrow still raised.

"How important?"

"Very important that we need to talk about it right now." Sora sounded desperate, Soonyoung could hear it from his voice. When Sora wasn't breaking any eye contact with him, Soonyoung sighed in defeat and combed his hair back, tired.

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