Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-

They kept walking, and Orokan'zao didn't make any suspicious moves, and Azuma and Dai started to trust him a little more.  The journey was hard, and the mountain was much bigger and steeper than the last two. When they were about halfway up the dangerous mountain, they noticed that from there and onwards, there was no steps, or even a path, just a vertical cliff.

"How do we go from here?" Dai asks.

"Isn't it obvious? We keep going up." Orokan'zao said, confused.

"Dai and I can't climb from here and on." Azuma explained to Orokan'zao.

"You haven't been here before, have you?" Orokan'zao said, then laughed.

"If you know the back entrance, you don't even need to climb. You just walk over here and you should find a door." Orokan'zao explained as he walked towards the steep cliff. He presses a spot right above a pebble a few feet below, and a door opens. Inside is a staircase, heading upwards.

“How do you know about this? I thought it was your first time here,” Azuma asked accusingly and suspiciously.

“I neglected to mention that I inherit the memories of my host. Whatever he has experienced, I have too, albeit indirectly,” Orokan’zao explained.

Azuma and Dai stood where they were, still trying to grasp what the parasite-cum-human said.  

“Anything else we need to know before we enter?” Dai asked.

“Well, my host has never actually set foot through the doorway. He was too frightened to do it as he heard rumours about a monster inside. Be careful”

“That’s good to know,” Azuma drawled.

"Well, let's go," Orokan'zao said casually to the nervous Azuma and Dai.

They follow Orokan'zao into the staircase, and as they moved higher through the dark tunnel, the ceiling went lower and lower, until they had to drag themselves up the stairs. They continue to crawl this way for a few more hours, until they saw a light. They rushed towards it, and it opened into a room with a creature seemingly made of water.

"You must defeat me to pass into the Mizu clan!" The huge water creature roared, right before it charged at Orokan'zao.

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