"Are you sick? I can call a doctor? Are you ok?"

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Summary : Sanem is pregnant, hormonal and self-conscious. That's a lot !

She was six months pregnant and the least one can say was that it hasn't been an easy ride. First, she has been sick, vomiting every morning in front of an helplessCan. Then, she fainted twice in front of the whole agency, and now she was so hormonal people were scared to talk to her. Even Cey Cey was shivering at the idea of Sanem working with him. And to make everything worse, Can's mom was always implying things about her. "She is not able to carry a baby how is she going to be a good mother", "Pregnant women are supposed to shine but look at her", "My grand-children will be half crazy". Can always stood up for her. His relationship with his mother was not getting any better and everytime she criticized Sanem it felt like Huma was stabbing in his heart. Can knew how hard it was for Sanem to accept this situation, because her own family had always been supportive. 

When they announced her pregnancy, Mevkibe cried and ran to her bedroom to give them a little blanket she had inherited from her grand-mother. She told them that once the baby would be born, she would embroidered his name on it. And Nihat... Oh Nihat had cried even more than his wife. He took Can in his arms, congratulated them, and he shared a silent gaze with Sanem. A gaze that only she would understand. A gaze that was saying how proud he was, and how much he loved her. It had been a beautiful and emotional moment. Far from the one they had with Huma, who immediately shared her concern about Sanem becoming a mother. But there was nothing she could really do and Can had no intention to let this woman ruin his happiness. 

He was the most attentive husband to Sanem, even when she was starving in the middle of the night, he would ride in town to find whatever she needed. He also dealt pretty well with her hormonal mood. Sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes blaming herself for everything. He was so patient and she knew how lucky she was. 

But that morning, she was not feeling well. She was tired and sad. She perfectly knew what her problem was though. Later, at night, she had to go to a fancy party with everyone involved. Can's mom, the agency, some models, Leyla would come with Emre and she heard Huma even invited Polen. They were celebrating the agency's birthday and it was a huge deal. They were counting on it to find new clients, they had to be perfect. But how could she be perfect around those people, looking like that. Watching herself in the mirror, she could only see some small little fat girl. She didn't want to annoy Can with this because she knew he had many other things to deal with, and she knew it was kind of immature to care that much about her look. But she couldn't help it. How would she look like around these sculptural women, what would people think of Can having her next to him. Damn she knew she didn't make sense because Can was now her husband, they were having a baby, and they were so happy together. He never made her feel insecure and she was really trying hard to trust herself, but sometimes, and especially lately, it was hard. 

She didn't go to work that day, Can told her to have some rest because the night would be long. But at least, working was helping her to think about something else. Now, she could only focus on herself being self-conscious. 

When Can came back, ready to get prepared for the night, he asked Sanem where she was but got no answer. He went to the kitchen, to their bedroom, to the bathroom, but she was not there. He finally heard some noise inside the closet, under the stairs of their beautiful new house. When he opened the door, he found Sanem, on the floor, eating some ice cream directly from the bucket. He couldn't contain his laugh, and asked : "Do you mind if I ask you what you are doing in the closet?" 

"I am eating ice cream", she answered as it was the most obvious response she could give. 

"And why are you eating ice cream in the closet Sanem?", Can asked, still amused by the situation. "Shouldn't you get ready for the party?"

"Oh, that ! No, I'm not coming", she said, keeping that tone in her voice, as if everything was making sense. 

"And why are you not coming?" 

"I'd rather eat in the closet"

"Sanem, you are not making any sense. And please, get off this closet already". Damn his girl could be so frustrating sometimes. He took her hands to help her get up and then cleaned the ice cream she had on her face. "Care to explain now?" he said. But Sanem was not decided to talk. She walked to their bedroom and sat on the bed, before laying down on it. She then covered herself with the blankets. 

"Oh so now you are going to sleep?" Can didn't understand what was happening but he knew his wife was crazy and through the years he had learned how to make her talk. He decided to lay on the bed too, with her. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. 

"Just like you. We are sleeping."

"No you are not. I am sleeping, you are going to the party."

"I am not, if you are not. Good night honey", he said, kissing her forehead, knowing that she would of course not let him sleep and miss the big night. She stood up, leaving their bed, and throw his tuxedo on their bed. "Get ready", she ordered. 

"That means you are getting ready too?"

"I AM NOT" she screamed, tears in her eyes. 

"Hey, baby, what is it? Are you sick? I can call a doctor? Are you ok?" said a concerned Can, finally back on his feet, his tuxedo in one hand, the other one on her face. 

"I'm fine, Can... I just... I don't feel like going", Sanem answered with a sad voice. 

"Talk to me honey", he whispered, now both hands on her cheeks.

"You'll find me pathetic if I say..."

He cut her immediately. "Hey, I will never find you pathetic Sanem"

"Look at me Can. I can't show up at this party, in the middle of this place full of models, CEO, artists... I am fat", she finally said. "I feel ugly, and I know people are scared of my hormonal self. I am ugly and people hate me. It's better you go alone."

Sanem's words hurt Can because in his eyes, she was the most beautiful woman on earth. The first time he saw her he knew he would end with her. And not only was she beautiful but she was the most creative person he ever met. She was his dream. He wiped her tears with his thumbs and hugged her so strongly he could feel the baby kick. Letting her go and breath again, he said : "Sanem, never say such things. God you are the most beautiful person ever, and no one hates you. And tonight, people will only have eyes on you, because not only are you an accomplished woman at work, but you are doing all this while being pregnant". 

He stopped, left the room and came back a few minutes later, a big box in his arms. He put it on the bed. "Open it", he said with a cute smile. With a questioning eye, she put off the large ribbon enveloping the box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful red dress and a pair of diamond earrings. "Can... I..." she was out of words, and out of breath. 

"I wanted to give it to you when I arrived but you were having a little ice cream party in the closet so..." he laughed and kissed her hand. He continued : "Sanem, I bought you this dress because I want you to feel like a princess, but you could go in that party wearing yoga pants and I would still think that you are the most gorgeous woman out there. You can even bring your ice cream bucket if you want to. Whatever you are wearing, whatever you are saying, people will be mesmerized by you. And if they are not, or if someone makes you feel down, remember that the only thing that matters is us. You are my fairy tail, even when you hide under the stairs". 

Sanem kissed him, still emotional, and said: "Can Divid, our baby will be so lucky to have you as a father". She smiled. "Ok, let's get ready. Oh, and I think I'll need some help with that red dress" she concluded with a wink. 

Can and Sanem, a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now