young!Newt x reader ~ bitten

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Requested by: blushingloser



You were sitting with Newts creatures. They were amazing. Newt was teaching you about them.

It was crazy that you could ever become friends with someone. You were very shy and you couldn't really look anyone in the eye,

You were feeding one of Newts baby creatures. You had to be careful. The teeth were growing. You heard someone walk up the stairs.

'Hi Y/N.'

It was Newt. You smiled a little.

'Hi.' You said.

You kept your eyes on the creature. Newt said down in front of you. He checked on his other creatures.

'I see it went well.' Newt smiled. 'I'm glad I can trust someone with these creatures.'

'Only because you taught me.' You smiled.

You ran your thumb past the little creatures head. It was so adorable. Newt looked at you. He thought you were kinda cute. Your shyness made you cute to him.

'Thank you.' Newt then said.

You stopped for a second. Why was he thanking you?

'For what?' You asked.

'For being my friend.' He said. 'I have the feeling everyone thinks I'm kinda strange.. a guy who loves creatures.. Is too shy to spend time with actual humans. I feel like everyone thinks I'm kinda weird.'

'They think that about me too. I guess I just understand you.' You said while you continued feeding the tiny creature.

'I don't get why they think that.' Newt said. 'You're amazing.'

You looked up at him. For the first time you looked him in the eyes. You looked anyone in the eye. Newt was kinda surprised but smiled at you.

'Thanks.' You spoke with a tiny smiled.

Newt smiled and looked at the floor for a moment before looking back at you.

'You're eyes are beautiful.' He smiled.

'What?' You asked.

'I've never seen them properly.'

You looked back at the tiny creature.

'No. Don't do that.' Newt said.

You looked back at him.

'Do what?'

'Look away from me.'

'I have to look at what I'm doing, Newt.' You grinned.

'I just.. I think this is kinda special.' He smiled.

You wanted to say something but you felt something biting your finger.


You looked at your finger and saw some teeth marks. Blood was escaping from them.

Newt grabbed the tiny creature and put it away quickly.

'I told you I had to keep looking.'

'I'm sorry.'

Newt grabbed his bag and sat down besides you. He sat down slightly behind you. You felt his body against yours. You suddenly started feeling hot.

Newt grabbed your wrist and moved your hand towards him. He reached for some water and a paper towel. He put the water on the towel and cleaned your wound. You gasped when he stroke it past your tiny wounds.

'Sorry. I have to make sure there not dirt in it. It might get infected.'

You looked at Newt. He stroke the paper towel put it a few time and looked up. He stopped for a moment. You both smiled and you looked away with red cheeks.

'Erm.. I'll just put a tiny bandage around it. Luckily the little guy doesn't have the ability to release poison yet.'

Newt held the paper towel onto the tiny wounds and used his other hand to grab a bandage. He wrapped it around your finger and made sure it was stuck in place.

He cleaned the remaining blood of your hand. You looked back up at him.

'Thank you.'

'It happens from time to time.' He smiled. 'I mostly know what to do.'

'Luckily you do.'

You looked at Newt. It was quiet for a moment. At this point you both hated that you were too shy. Newt got up and sat back down where he sat.

'Let's continue.' He smiled.

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