chapter 3: not one but two and three

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So 2nd and 3rd grade the elementary school equivalent of the middle child,  nobody likes it or remembers it. So I'm grouping 2nd and 3rd grade together because there is really no significant events in these grades. So second grade the year of confusion because you go from simple addition to hard spelling which I can't spell today. like the only reason I can spell now is because autocorrect and sounding out words. At meet the teacher which I'm 90% sure that, that is the most American thing. My 2nd grade teacher was this middle aged man who was balding. he was decently tall and absolutely terrified of clowns. yes you heard me correctly CLOWNS. So the toxic assbag from before, Alice thought it would be funny if on the last day of school, she would dress up as a clown and spook'em. Some how that's the only memory she has of elementary school. So in 2nd grade it was the first time we could actually join a club. to bad the only club available was "dancing ponies", now I'm just going to say this, if anyone has seen me dance its bad. I have no rhythm or beat. But I still joined. it was a country square dancing club. From that I have remembered none of the things we learned. My first crush was on my dancing partner who was a weird ginger dude. might I just mention I am now a biromantic asexual person who prefers girls, so that was weird. square dancing involves a strange amount of holding hands, like I may not know you at all but I'm going to hold your hand now. but 2nd grade is pretty forgettable. In 3rd grade I had a teacher who was if you imagine a average 40 year old that's pretty much her. In 3rd grade we got one job all year. Me always reading got me a fast pass to being picked a librarian. I worked so hard to keep it organized but people kept messing it up so eventually I just gave up. yes I got yelled at but honestly I couldn't care less.  I remember getting a awesome pair of spy sunglasses that were broken the next day when I was beaten up by some bitch that I can't remember. we had a bank and auction system that we used to get prizes. In third grade you could join the third grade drama club called primary players. what's with all these play companies calling their actors like "Montfort players" "primary players" " ACT players" like are we playing your game of a play or are we players because we are all mostly gay.  SO anyone could join and we chose 3 things we wanted to do. I, of course chose acting set design and lighting. If we wanted to do acting we had to audition with a poem that they provided. I did one about body parts disagreeing, it was weird. Later that meeting when the teachers turned off the soundtrack they caught me and one of my friends still singing the snakes song. might I just mention it was about a frog wanting to be special. a few weeks later I got casted as snake 4, my friend was snake 1 and Sadoe as mama frog aka adding to her mom friend ( I added this for you, you grammar Nazi). my costume was the last to be made so at the first dress rehearsal I had to belly crawl in a skirt. that was "fun". by the end my fat ass had to belly crawl across the stage for 7 shows, 3 for the school and 4 for parents and strangers. At the end of my third grade year it was our first big end of year test, the EOG's. I got a decent score so at least I didn't fail. On the last day of school we had a class award ceremony, the entire time I thought I was going to get it. by the end I got " super scientist" because my mom had emailed her all my science questions. we also got s'mores and played bored games all day. I tried to dance and hurt myself so another reason why I don't dance.  at the end of the day we went to the swing sets. the entire year I tried to beat my record of how far I could jump off the swing. The last 10 minutes of school involved me celebrating me reaching my record.  Next I would be off to 4th grade and since my school was weird it was in a different building also a new school. but that's a story for another time.


Sorry for changing the names I was forced- Griff

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